Friday, 28 June 2019

Witchcraft and Witches ; Mystery Unraveled

Oh my goodness! someone has dispersed witchcraft to you. 😲Things can't be going the way they are going for you, some witch somewhere is responsible for your present circumstances. Did you say your child is no longer performing well in school?😡 Your neighbour has dispersed something to your child. Did you say you lost your job and now you have lost your business? There are dark forces being thrown your path. That is why you can't get a job and your business has collapsed. You have stagnated on that project for so long there must be some witchcraft that has been dispersed to you. Did you say that the well known engineer is now picking papers on the road? This witchcraft is real I tell you. You mean people can be so evil, that engineer someone threw him demons (Mtu alimrushia mapepo)? I tell you he need deliverance. These are some of the conversations I have heard from several persons when things are not going in the positive direction they need to.

For readers of the Bible, 1 Timothy 4:1 says: " The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons." and  James 2:19 says: " You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder." Allow me to make reference to the Bible because being a Christian it is the Holy Book I know and make reference to. It is also the Book that governs how I live my life. My understanding of the Bible is its the manual for everything I need to know about life. 

Making reference to the verses I have quoted above,  I am convinced that many have abandoned their faith and are following the deceiving spirit and the things taught by demons. That is why rather than deal with the issues surrounding them they would rather spread the gospel of demons being in authority.When we continuously tell each other of demons, witchcraft and witches, do we have time to tell each other about God? My experience whenever the demon topic comes to be is that I experience fear, even walking alone in darkness is a problem because thoughts of demons coming to attack me are real. The stories that I have have heard shall be on my mind and cause fear. Why then are we so comfortable talking about demons and witchcraft than talk more on God?

We are simply escapists. The devil knows we don't want to deal with the realities of life . Based on this understanding, he brings the ideas of witchcraft to explain our evil self. Once we blame an evil force, we find no need to change our ways. We therefore shall not make things right with God. 

We can't squander our finances then blame witchcraft. My friend financial issues shall be sorted with proper planning. We can't live a promiscuous life willingly then once we get diseases or infections we blame witchcraft for getting infected. My friend the key to staying away from STIs and STDs is being faithful to one partner. We can't be absentee parents in our children's lives then when they find other "parents" that introduce them to drugs we blame witchcraft. The truth is they shall find a person to parent them in your absence as a parent. We can't start a business we have no background on, and expect to do well. Doing proper background ensures the business does well.

The mother of all blame for witchcraft is Mental illness. We have been led to believe that mentally ill persons are like that because of demons. The reality is mentally ill person is a sick person just like any other person suffering other illnesses that seem acceptable. Mental illness is a disability like any other physical disability the only difference is the location of the disability. While a blind person their eyes that aren't functioning to their capacity , a mentally ill person its the mind that isn't functioning to its capacity. Just like a blind person can be permanently blind so can a mentally ill person. Just like there is temporary blindness so can there be temporary mental illness. 

If we are going to incorporate those that are physically disabled in areas that we can see, we need to also incorporate those that are disabled in areas that we can't see. If we are going to be mindful and understanding of cancer patients , lets be mindful of mentally ill patients. They are patients just like the cancer patients. If we are going to find jobs that the blind can do and pay them , we can also find roles that mentally ill persons can perform and pay them. If we are going have flexible terms of service for other forms of disability, let us have flexible terms of service for the mentally ill persons. The reality is while there are roles that need one to see hence the blind can't perform them, there are roles that don't need the eyes hence the blind can comfortably perform them. The same is true for mentally incapacitated persons. While there are roles that need a proper functioning mind, there are  roles that can be done comfortably without needing to use the mind in the normal capacity needed. 

Mental illness shall not be addressed by the stigma we continue to subject those suffering from it. We are not going to reduce the numbers of mentally ill persons in our towns by stoning them or chaining them. We are going to help them by taking it upon ourselves to understand that they are sick and just like we fall sick, seek treatment and get back to our normal lives so can they. If we can come together to raise funds for a person suffering from a chronic illness, we need to come together to raise funds for a person that is mentally ill. If we are going to subsidize cost of treatment for diseases that have become rampant, let us subsidize for mental illness because it is slowly turning into a national disaster. Many are suffering in silence because of stigma and the high cost of treating a mentally ill patient.

Its time for us to all wake up especially Africans who find blame in black magic and face reality. Its time for us to stop running from our wrongs and find solutions for that which ails us. We can't keep saying God is punishing us hence not sending us rains , while we continue to log down the trees . My believe is human beings continue to live the painful life we are living now as a result of our creation. If we created all these bad things that have brought so much suffering to us, we have the capacity and ability to create the good things that shall end the suffering and bring happiness and celebration to us. After all my Bible affirms this by reminding me that I was created in the likeness of God. Just as God is the overall creator, He made me a sub creator when He created me in His likeness. 


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