Saturday, 15 June 2019

Why are Others Doing Better or Worse?

Have you been keen to notice those around us have different things going on for them? Have you been keen to notice it's not just with people but also with countries , animals in short the entire creation.? Why do you suppose this is so? Why is it that while one part of the world is experiencing pain another is happy? Better put why do you suppose we experience day and night at different times and well have different time zones?

In one of my interactions with my fellow Christians, someone said God desires to be forever praised. That is why as He created the world He ensured we are at different time zones. This is just so that while others are sleeping, others are waking up to praise Him. As Christians do we ensure we praise Him more often? ๐Ÿค”

Let's now look at the world events away from time. When one part of the world is celebrating๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿฝ another is mourning.๐Ÿ˜ข While one part of the world is advanced, another part of the world is lagging behind. While one part of the world experienced crisis years ago, another is experiencing crisis in the present. Ever heard of cosmic balance? Well I feel this is the best way to refer to it. It may not be our actions that bring about the opposite reaction on others but that understanding that no part of the world is like the other.

Let's bring it further to human beings. Ever noticed others are ahead of us in life ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿฝ‍♀๐Ÿšถ๐Ÿฝ‍♀; even people who we could have been born on the same day? Well and of course while others are older, others are younger?

My understanding & experience since I became a mother is I need to raise my daughter to be an all rounded human being. That way she shall grow up to be an asset to the world. I also noticed that she copy's what I do and even people around her. That is how she knows what to do and what is expected of her.

The insight of parent and child is what I need us all to see. When we experience something before others, it's not for us to question why me or feel superior to them. No please, one becomes a parent of that which they experience before others. It's for us to use that experience to grow the child who comes after us in experiencing the same. Let me explain; if one gets employed before their peers,it's best to use the experience to advice those yet to be employed how to go about it.

As for a person who is yet to experience something, it's for them remember they are a child. Theirs is to watch and learn. It's no need being envious of their parents in a matter or perhaps wishing they were their parents because it's time for them to be a child. Yes you are yet to get married or have children, how about taking time to learn what being a parent or a spouse entails as a way of preparing yourself.

Thank you for journeying with me. I hope this helped us to appreciate the stage we are at. I also hope it stop us from being envious of others or feeling sorry for ourselves. Let's not bring misery because we are rating ourselves in  comparison to others.

*Remember the best competitor one has and the greatest victory one shall ever win is against oneself.*

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