Sunday, 16 June 2019

What Reports or News have you received lately?

In our everyday lives we are bound to receive reports and news. These reports or news are either positive or negative.  My question to us this day is what do you do when you receive your report or what did you do?

Often times I see when people receive good reports most get into celebration and even organise parties. Parties are good but are they enough? If I am going to celebrate something good I shall need to take a moment to thank all that helped me get there. Most importantly I shall need to show my appreciation to God because without His grace the celebration wouldn't be; those of us that believe in God. If one is a Christian they probable know the story of the 10 leapers. I choose to be the one leaper that went back to show my gratitude to God. How each of us does it; I choose to leave it to us to decide.

Let's now turn the coin to negative news and reports. Often negative news get us to be vulnerable. Its negative news that drives us to feelings of defeat, self pity and at times stress that results in diseases. Is this why we receive bad news? If you follow my blog I have previously talked of us being equal to our individual self & shall never be equal to another person.  When one receives bad news it's time for them to enter into self reflection. If you believe in God it's time for you to bring faith into action. It's time to earnestly call upon God not to waste time feeling sorry for yourself. If you are a Christian you know the story of what it took for the persons in the Bible to have their situations turned around. If you do not let the life of King David inspire you. Jesus too had a moment of receiving negative news; we all know what He did.  Some prayers may not go exactly as we want but believe me when we call upon God, He gives us the outcome that is best suited for us that He may fulfill His purpose for creating us. God knows what is good for us at different times and stages in our lives. 

In conclusion whether positive or negative news always remember to speak to God about it. He needs us to acknowledge Him as the overall creator. He is a jealous God, let us ensure we talk to Him about it before we tell our friends or relatives; Remember that negative news , He can turn it to positive. That positive news could have devastating outcomes when we don't recognise He controls everything in our lives. And through our actions we are able to predict the things that shall befall us.

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