Tuesday, 18 June 2019

A Child's Letter to Parents not Jointly Raising the Child

There is so much debate over irresponsible parents be it a man or a woman but never is there a debate of the child that the two adults bring forth in their moment of the act of love whether willingly or unwillingly. As a parent from a relationship/ situation that didn't lead into well coordinated parenting have you ever thought about my child's feelings? 

Here are the child's feelings in form of a letter. 

Dear mum and dad. Let me apologise for what I am about to say but someone needs to say it and who better placed than me your child? The first time I came to be a sperm and egg had met and with that began my journey towards landing on earth. Being in my mothers womb was so limiting and I wondered what it would be like to be in the next world where I would once in a while hear noises.  I wondered how long I would be in that world. Then after periods of wondering, I was soon out of my mother's womb and into a new freedom,  so I thought. 

I was introduced to all people but then I started noticing I was different from other children. See while my friends in school and at home and sometimes from the cartoons I watched had a father and mother, I only had the comfort from one growing up. To add salt to injury my peers would bring this to my attention and tease me because I only had one parent. When it got so bad I decided to tell them that my parent is dead. An explanation that hurt me to the core because I had never been shown the grave of my other parent. 

As I grew older I heard stories of why I was raised by one parent. The stories ran from my mother trapped my father and that is how I was conceived, I was not a planned child, I was a barrier to the parent progressing to the next stage of life, one of my parent wasn't good enough to make a spouse of the other and well others were one parent was utterly irresponsible in the eyes of the parent that was raising me. And so I ask what about me? How do I come into all these stories?

Has it ever occurred to any of you that my conception was an act of God and all these stories are none issues. Has it ever occurred to a parent that feels trapped that many are trapped but not all traps get the one its laid for? Has it ever occurred to you as a parent that the parent you deem irresponsible was chosen as my parent for a purpose? Has it ever occurred to the parent that feels like they are doing everything matters raising me alone for a purpose. That perhaps God keeps them healthy and able to go about their daily hassle to take care of me alone. That perhaps while this parent focuses on my financial needs I need the other for emotional needs and a sense of belonging?

I don't know the circumstances that led my father and mother to not be together, I however know its their action whether willingly or unwillingly that I was born. And if God made it possible for me to be born He meant you to be my parents. So please allow me the opportunity to know either of you. Let me make an informed decision about the parent you are to me. Don't allow me to grow up with questions that may never get answered or with feelings of rejection that only make my life as an adult miserable or with a lot of incompleteness. 

May God give you the wisdom to understand that I need not pay for any of your misunderstanding or whatever resulted to you not bringing me up together in one home. I continue to pray for you my parents to see the bigger role. I respect and love you both, don't make  me chose either of you because that would mean I am accepting one part of me and denouncing the other part of me hence making me a very unstable human being.

That is all for now. P.s Lots of Love

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