Have you ever asked yourself why there are so many diseases lately. If not diseases , vaccines flowing left right and centre for our children? Have you ever wondered what did our forefathers do differently? Or are you going to say they weren't advanced in medicine to know all the diseases we have today?
While there is some truth in improved research in terms of medical science, the truth is there is more than meets the eye. Just recently I came to learn that CS method of giving birth was discovered in Africa. The Western world used it but most of their women would die days later. It wasn't until they came to Africa that they discovered they need to be sterilizing the tools they use. This is because the tools were causing infection hence the death of a mother. Anyway let's continue to deliberate.
If you have signed up for a life or medical insurance policy, I am sure you have answered questions about family history. Oh well and if you did biology I am sure you learnt something about genes. See the truth is we all have genes that are highly susceptible to a certain disease. While it is true some are passed down through parents, some are acquired over the years. The question is why don't we know these things at birth ? It is only after few hours that they manifest themselves?
The truth about diseases is that they are a way of our bodies letting out the pressure we subject it to. Like a balloon with a maximum limit of air it can hold before busting, so it is with the body. Do you know you can put water in a balloon and when you place heat underneath it would not burst immediately ? The balloon bursts when the water inside gets too hot and the steam increases pressure inside hence bursting. Our bodies are no different.
Just like the balloons come in different densities so do our bodies. Our bodies vary in terms of the disease it's highly prone to. That is why when one family has repeat cases of cancer, another has repeat cases of depression. Yes depression is a disease too just like cancer . It's however unfortunate that cancer gets understanding while depression gets stigmatization. It's no wonder there are so many cases of suicide lately because majority of people don't know how to help their loved ones. Back to the main theme.
I am strongly convinced that though we habor diseases within us, we determine how they come to life. Looking at creation God created man in his own image. That to me means that God didn't create diseases because His likeness doesn't reflect sickness. I have not read a verse where God was sick. This means man being in the likeness of God has the ability to create. What I am saying is sickness manifests itself from our creation.
We eat so much junk , grown foods with so many pesticides because we have destroyed the eco-system. Rem the chain rule of food or was it called dependants tree? God was so orderly I tell you that He ensured a certain population would be eliminated by something. That is why we have snakes eating rats and lizards eating insects. But since the predators of the pests have been driven away by human interference, we have instead resulted into using pesticides. I believe the solution to pests is within creation itself. That takes care of the food we eat physically.
In addition to this physical food, there is the indirect food that we feed through the mind. This food is the one that is killing majority of us. We keep so many toxins within us that our bodies are blowing up. We harbor so much bitterness that it soon eats us in form of diseases. We carry so much baggage by wanting so much and it outweighs us. We want everything that so and so has and we don't know what it took for them to get there. We put ourselves on certain standards and we are not there hence the body gets stressed out. We are not peaceful within ourselves. We are living fake lives forgetting that we may lie to the outside world but never the inside world. That inside world is what is destroying us.
If we are going to heal ourselves of diseases let us check what we eat both directly and indirectly. Someone said garbage in garbage out. The more garbage we continue to consume the more garbage we shall dispense. If we are going to heal ourselves let us look into healing the soul. Get rid of negativity and hate. Have an understanding that we are not in competition with others but with ourselves. Live in peace within yourself and others.
Once we do that ladies and gentlemen, we shall suppress the diseases we each carry. Our forefathers lived longer because they lived right with God and themselves. It's time we learn something from them.
Thank you for your feedback and for reading