Thursday, 13 June 2019

Better Liberating Perspective

When I completed campus, my first job was as a financial advisor. My work was to help and guide people to plan for their finances especially matters risks covered by insurance.  As part of my way of delivery I sought to know if one had extra income by helping them do a budget and thereafter advise them of a product that best suited them. For clients with children I strongly advised them to take up an education policy. See the idea behind insurance is to cover an individual against unexpected occurrences that an individual has no control of.  The most common occurrences especially in matters life were death, disability , accidents and critical illness. 

The products that insurance company design are such that in-case of any of the eventualities the insurance would offer a compensation to the next of kin. Time and time again I have heard relatives of a deceased person quarrel and fight. Most fights I have heard relate to: where to bury the deceased or how to divide the wealth the deceased has left.Surprisingly I am yet to hear of fights over who to take over debts that the deceased had left . So why is it that problems arise after one dies?

In my analysis and based on my experience as a financial advisor people have been brought up to fear death and see it as a bad thing especially in the African culture. I would notice a client's face turn when I mentioned death. Its actually hash tone information as one tells their relatives the place they would like to be buried or cremated upon their demise. For the mourning to fight over wealth its likely because we are raised to believe that writing a will is a fast class ticket to your death bed. How true is this? Well follow me as I help us get a whole new perspective about death and how exactly we need to view it. 

Any person who believes in God believes that God created us and gave us ability to control our happiness. God didn't ,however, give us the ability to control or even know when pain and sadness would befall us. Its no wonder we do not know when we shall die, become sick  , get an accident of become disabled. My thoughts on why He did that is because He created us to find happiness and giving us the insight on when the occurrences mentioned previously would happen would result us to panic and we would not be able to enjoy life. The question I seek to answer after this revelation is; why did God bring death to mankind if He wanted man to enjoy the world He created?

Allow me to refer us all to the Bible and instances in which death occurred. There are many instances but for now I shall focus on a few. Perhaps its upon us all especially those of us who are Christians to take time to look for more instances of death in the Bible. 

1. Death during Noah's time. Why did this occur? It occurred because people were doubtful of God's word. Those that didn't die were those that chose to obey and entered Noah's ark. 

2. Death of all first born sons of Egyptians. It was after these deaths that the Israelite descendants were freed from slavery. 

3. Death of King Saul. It was so that God may fulfill His promise to David of anointing him King.  

4. Death of Uriah. It occurred to  bring King David back to repentance as he had forgotten his duty of going into battle and had instead focused on things that he was not called by God to deliver on. 

5. Death of David's son who was conceived by Bethsheba. It was so that King David learns that God is just and for parents to know that their lives can mean death or destruction over their children.

6. Death of King David. At the time of his death he was too weak and even his body warming up was a problem and people around him needed to give him much attention. His death came to be to bring rest to him and those around them.  It was also the only way that he was able to build his desire to build God's temple through his son Solomon. 

7. Death of Lazarus and Jairus' daughter . This had to happen that people may see the Glory of God and see His true power and victory over death. 

8. Death of Son of God , Jesus Christ. This is the most significant deaths of them all. This is because through His death as Christians we believe we are forever washed of our sins. 

There we have it people. Death isn't such an evil thing after all. It can occur to bring:
1. Liberation
2. Continuity
3.Fulfilling of God's purpose
4. Lessons to appreciate life
5. Bring restoration
6. Bring peace 
7. Bring progression 
8. End pain and misery. 

I do hope we are able to see death from a whole different perspective all together. Well and perhaps not shy away from talking about death, giving information that shall be revealed upon one's demise and even writing wills.  

Most importantly I hope we can all chose to focus on things that bring us happiness rather than  things that bring everything that is sad and pain.

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