Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Have We Gotten Comfortable Praising the Devil at the Expense of God?

When I heard news that we were going to be parents a second time I was filled with so much excitement. I even went out to pick names that would rhyme with our daughter's name. The excitement however took a different turn when we lost the pregnancy at 10weeks. This was after I had gone through painful and very expensive injections. In fact the week that we lost the pregnancy, we had ordered for a pregnancy pillow just so that I could sleep comfortably. Thank God the supplier was kind enough to allow me to cancel the pillow. Having the pillow in our bedroom would have been a permanent constant reminder of the events that unfolded on 11th July, 2020. I was given 5 days sick off and by Thursday 16th , July 2020, I was in the office. In fact that day I had so much pending follow ups that it was a big relief to be back to work. Those that knew what had transpired from the blog I shared were shocked to see me running up and down in the office. 

While some labelled me a super woman, others thought I was masking the pain I was experiencing. They felt I am putting on a brave face. One common thing that the two divides didn't want to appreciate was that I had involved God through it all. I had totally surrendered to His will. In fact my prayer was that God gives me strength to go about my normal duties regardless of the road our pregnancy would take. When the bleeding started during our pregnancy, I told God I don't have experience in carrying a second pregnancy neither in a miscarriage. I totally surrendered to God and told Him I need His strength in either of the paths. When the path was the baby was to be God's not mine I went into praising mode. He gave me strength just as I had asked of Him. I am no super woman. I am God's child and its in Him I draw my strength. Well unfortunately I can't do much about those who think I am masking it. Its for God to visit them not me. I choose to celebrate God's doing. 

Its no surprise that the people who feel I am masking my pain will feel that any person that confesses they are doing well, is showing off. It breaks my heart that we are so comfortable talking about the troubles we are facing and not the victories in our lives. Its very common when I tell a friend of my troubles to tell me I will pray for you. Seldomly have I told a friend about the victories and heard, "I will offer a prayer of thanksgiving on your behalf." Why do we find it easy to pray when we are victims and hard when we are victors? 

Why does it have to be that when someone says God has blessed me with: a car, beautiful wife, a house , beautiful children and booming business they are showing off? Why is it so easy for us to bad mouth that person? Why can't we use that as a testimony that God is also going to visit us and we can testify as they are? Why do we have to allow the devil to convince us how boastful the person is and refuse to see God's ability to bless us? Take time to ask and answer these questions. 

Its clear to me that we have gotten comfortable praising the devil at the expense of God. What are you willing to do about this? 


  1. An eye opener it is
    Thank you for sharing ma'am ❤️

    1. You most welcome. Thanks for reading and the feedback

  2. Wow, good reminder Grace. It's true,most people forget to praise with their friends when blessings come.

    1. Yes yes. And sadly this didn't start today. Remember the story of the 10 lepers in the Bible? Only one came back to tell Jesus thank You.

    2. Thank you for being a faithful reader and giving feedback

  3. Waoo. Glory to God. God has done us good and we forget to testify

    1. Yes we do. It is about time we changed our narrative. Thanks for reading and feedback.

  4. Continue in the faith sister, it's all about God.

    1. Thank you for reading and for the feedback. I will continue in faith. Its the only thing that keeps me going.

  5. We may never know what someone is enduring and at time we are so quick to judge

    1. Yes sadly true. Its also quite unfortunate. May God enlighten us all.

    2. Thanks for reading and the feedback
