A wise woman once said money is never enough for everything we want but it is enough for everything we need. For a long time I battled with this saying until I took time to do a self reflection.
The best way to get the true picture of anything is by self reflection. I began with a historical background right when I was in campus. In campus, I survived on Kshs. 27,000 from Higher Education Loans Board (HELB) for 2 semesters equivalent to 6 months all factors constant. Well there were times I would get some cash from friends and relatives but that is what I currently refer to as unexpected income. There were classmates that more but I thank God because more loan money meant clearing university in high debts. HELB money meant each month I survived on Kshs. 4500. Mind you I still had spare money to go out, buy mitumba ( second hand items) and eat meat🙈🙈.
I clear campus and the guaranteed 4,500 disappears. I survive in Nairobi hassling here and there. Goodness me there is a time I earned a salary of Kshs. 1500. Don't give me that look, I was on a commission earnings. Yes I still ate the following month and had a roof over my head. Thank God for mum who ensured food never lacked. Later I got a job and moved out of mom's place. Bills had to be paid and I planned myself the best way I could. The plan worked well because I could afford to pay for my masters without difficulty. God opened a door and I got a promotion. At that point I decided to move to a different area. The place I was living seemed out of touch with many. Let's just say I needed some life. Where I was living was more of a village but the houses were awesome.This formed the first result of my analysis. I was increasing my expenses with increased income. Were the expenses necessary? Those that were I chose to retain those that weren't informed new savings avenues.
More reality came to me when I had a talk with a person earning less than I do. They told me how they manage. Then I talked with someone earning more than I do and I had to tell them how I manage. The revelation became clear to me; the money we earn will always be enough for our needs not our wants. I just need to know how to plan the money I make. It is this realization that took me on my second mission of finding out how I loose money.
The revelations were as follows:
1. Minimize use of plastic money when shopping. There is more pain in counting notes then giving a seller than swiping a card or paying via mobile money. ( Yes I know there is Corona)
2. Avoid shopping when hungry because when hungry you tend to buy unnecessary food stuffs.
3. Shop when your emotions are calm. Shopping when excited makes one spend more. Shopping when sad makes one shop more to heal themselves.
4. Window shop when you don't have money to undertake a project underway. That way you look for the most affordable deals.
5. Always shop when you have a shopping list. This ensures you don't buy things you don't need.
6. When shopping in a supermarket, avoid the big trolleys. Big trolleys make you fill it up with things you don't need. This is also informed by the shopping list.
7. When you pick an item ,ask yourself how necessary it is 3 times. Or ask what would happen if you don't buy it.
8. Take advantage when your brands are on offer and buy in bulk. That way you save cash and maintain your tastes and preferences.
9. Appreciate yourself once every month. It gives you a boost to work the following month.
10. Focus on improving and bettering the future you compared to the past and present you. Let it not be based on other people's achievements.
11. Budget for your money before beginning to spend.
12. Shop in bulk as opposed to retail purchasing. You save up time and money at the same time.
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