*Who rejects us?*
Most of the times it's the people around us.
*Who doesn't reject us?*
God doesn't reject us.
*Which mortal should never reject us?*
The mortal that should never reject us is ourselves. The reality is rejection hits hard and attacks us because we have rejected ourselves.
*Who was rejected in the Bible?* How did the persons mentioned in the Bible handle rejection?*
When Noah was asked to build an ark by God, many thought he was mad. He called people into the ark and continued building the ark. This is exactly what the rejected need to do. When one is rejected for what they believe in let that not stop them. Keep building. When it starts raining those that rejected you shall witness God's victory into your life.
Joseph was one person that was rejected in very many ways. The rejection started with his family. The brothers could just not stand him because he had favour. The Favour was visible because it was from God and his earthly father. Joseph was curious to improve himself and well I guess that is why his brothers were jealous and his father entertained him. Joseph was also very honest. He spoke of the great things he dreamt and this made his brothers hate him more. We all know what the rejection did to him. His brothers organised to throw him out. That was not enough he rejected the wrong things and he was put in jail. He continued to live an upright life.
Joseph has great lessons for the rejected.
1. He continued to accept himself no matter what the brothers said.
2. He continued to do the right thing despite the circumstances.
3. He found ways to move on after rejection.
4. He had the chance to revenge against his brothers. He chose peace. Revenge is never worth it among those that reject you.
Moses may have grown in the palace as a prince but the king's treatment made him curious. It was in his curiosity that he discovered who he was. From then on the journey towards his life purpose began.
The lesson for the rejected is get curious. Seek to know who you are. The rejection is so you know who you are and do God's work. If the king had not rejected Moses, he would have gotten comfortable. The Israelite would not have been freed. We are rejected so that we fulfill a greater purpose for God.
David's rejection was again from his family. To the family he was a boy and well the weakest of all. God saw a king instead. When he went into battle with Goliath , the guy saw nothing. The weapons that David brought with him were laughable. David however knew who he was and who was with him. That is how a boy brought down a giant with stones. Thereafter he faithfully served his boss, but the boss rejected him. The boss was jealous to a point of organizing to have him killed. When David had the opportunity to revenge he didn't. He actually gave his enemy a decent burial. David too understood that though Saul rejected him it didn't mean all his kinsmen were evil. That is why he continued to have a good relationship with Jonathan. He was faithful to that friendship even after the death of his friend. When David sinned he knew that brought pain to God. He owned up to his sins and repented sincerely.
Lessons from David.
1. People may see a mare person but God sees His anointed great creation.
2. Know who you are and who is with you.
3. Believe in the weapons you have to face the battle.
4. Don't pass on the rejection to others.
5. Do not revenge.
6. When you do wrong even after being exalted by God repent.
7. Bosses reject you because they are threatened by you. Let that not bother you. Know your purpose and keep doing God's work.
Jesus Christ was rejected. He was rejected because many misunderstood Him. They didn't know His purpose. The lesson is clear for the rejected. There are people who reject you because they don't understand your purpose. Jesus was seen like He was exhaling Himself. That didn't stop Him from knowing He was the Messiah. He walked with those who believed in who He was.
Forget those who don't understand your cause. Keep doing good. Don't stop doing good because people are saying you doing it for the show.
The prostitute lady
The prostitute lady was rejected. She was seen as a disgrace. In the eyes of humans she was too sinful to come to God. She deserved death. There are lessons she gives the rejected.
1. All sins are equal and all have sinned.
2. Don't allow anyone make you feel guilty over something you did. They are sinners too. Repent to God and trust in His grace.
3. Past mistakes should not govern your life. You can make a brand new start.
4. We are rejected for God's glory. Her rejection taught those around Jesus something.
There are many more. Take time to read the Bible.
Get out of that state of rejection. It is the devil's way of getting you not to fulfil God's purpose in your life. The devil want to make you his advocate by keeping you with thoughts of rejection. Flee from him completely.
*Be blessed*
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