Saturday, 27 July 2019

How to get back the sexual desire towards your husband

Sex starts from the mind. When a person isn't calm in terms of their thoughts there are many things that evade them. The mind is what sends messages to other systems to function. When something is a miss in the body the mind is the one that gets the body to react in a way to show all isn't well. With this background when you lose sexual desires as a woman you need to observe your thought patterns. 

Secondly you need to deeply analyse what could be bothering you. Sex isn't a priority to most women naturally unlike men. It can be put at the bottom of  a woman's to do list. Unfortunately this isn't the same with men. To a majority of men sex calms them down. Majority of men use sex to relax while a lady needs to be relaxed to have sex. I hope you get the difference.

Thirdly the lady needs to observe what she is eating. The body needs to be fully nourished. She need foods that makes her feel good and give her enough nutrients  for her body. Sex is an active exercise that uses up our energy. If one eats foods that aren't balanced the body shall not be charged enough for sex.

Fourthly the lady needs to take care of herself. She could make her nails, do her hair, dress in clean clothes inside and outside. Put something that makes her feel beautiful 😘. All while she reminds herself how sexy & beautiful she feels during the day. Husbands please dish out compliments when such efforts are madeπŸ™„πŸ™„

Fifth, get help. Don't overwhelm yourself with everything. Get someone to help you or give yourself a commercial break. In addition to taking care of everyone else, remind yourself you need to take care of yourself. So get together with the girls and laugh. Go for swimming just with the girls. As in remind yourself how it was  being a girl and what you did to enjoy your life. So long as it's not something that disrespects your husband do it. Better still inform him what you doing and why you doing it.

Sixth , remember as a wife your desire should be for your husband. If the desire is gone, to whom is it for now? Find that out. Could be your children or fulfilling your individual projects. A woman was made to a companion to her husband. It can only mean she's having other companions that is why she has no interest to be her husband's companion. Prioritize being your husband's companion.

Seventh,talk openly to your husband. Stop keeping grudges. If there is something he did that annoyed you talk to him about it in a calm way. If you are insecure about his love and commitment to you. Talk to him about it. It's his work to make sure you are secure in his  love for you. Communicate with him how he can continuously make this happen.

Eight, You also need to talk sexual with your husband. Talk about the things that you would do to each other that brought maximum pleasure for you both. Talk about the place you had mind blowing sex. Talk about sexual fantasies that you need to help each other fulfill. This shall help the mind bring back the sexual need.

Above all pray about sex. Ask God to bring back the feelings to you. Remind Him of the verses that talk about sex in the Bible and ask Him to help you fulfill them. The devil knows how to use what God meant for our good for his evil. Don't allow yourself to be his advocate.

*Marriage is beautiful*
*Sex is best in marriage*
*Understanding oneself first makes it easy for others to understand you*

*Be blessed*

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