Wednesday, 31 July 2019

How to find your Riches!

Life is beautiful. It has always been beautiful. The world is rich.  The riches of the world are there for us all to inherit. I must say I am floating in riches. Its amazing to live a life of a rich person. Its been totally fulfilling. Allow me to share with you how I found my riches. At the end of this article I believe you too shall know how to find your riches. 

In the years between 2009- 2013 I experienced a period of pain and agony. I was in a state of total confusion and felt I had reached my end. It took the gesture of a total stranger to get me to live a positive life. She surrounded me with happiness . Her efforts helped me make it through the period. God sent me a guardian angel direct from heaven.  Once I was out of it, I decided to be the same for someone. I had a mission and a vision to fulfill. The mission was to impact the lives of people in a positive way. The vision was to be surrounded by people who are happy and without pain. In order to work towards my vision and fulfill my mission, I launched a blog in the year 2013. The blog was my plan to deliver my mission and consequently fulfill my vision. The blog needed to reflect the mission and the vision hence the name "Daily Life lessons and Inspiration" . It was to be an everyday walk. It also meant the blog had to fulfill a purpose hence the introductory statement of "Each day I live is an opportunity to learn something from all that I come across from people to things. There is just so much to Inspire, Motivate and Challenge us. Journey with me as I open us all to that world." 

This month has marked 5 years of blogging because in the year 2017 I didn't write a single article. The first article I shared in July of 2013 had 16 views. It wasn't my original composition. It had an inspiring message and that was the idea. Thereafter I wrote an article in December this time my original composition and it had 48 views. That month I was charged and wrote quite a number , I didn't look back, the views grew. This year has witnessed the highest number of views in an article and feedback. Readers have openly shared feedback. The feedback has helped me realize the mission I had when I launched the blog is being achieved. The vision is coming to be as more and more persons are being directed to live a happy life. This is how I have found my riches. The world is rich and for us to inherit. 

While for some to be rich they need to be making money, my riches have come through purposing to fulfilling my mission and vision. When the mission and vision was coming to force I was all alone. None of the critics were there. I had the foundation and that was my focus. Critics have been there both positive and negative but I have purposely focused on the mission and vision. That is how I have come to find my riches. 

How do we miss out on our riches?

By now you do realize that the riches I am talking about aren't purely money oriented . I am talking about wealth that is from within. I want to believe that when we decided to get married, there was a mission and vision. When you decided to start a business, there was a mission and vision. There is always what one sees before they engage in something. I don't believe we just coincidentally find ourselves somewhere , with something or someone. Its through the mission and vision we have. Unfortunately, we get side tracked. Someone who wasn't present during the formulation of the vision and mission says something and we follow them. Something that wasn't there during the vision and mission comes in and we focus on it instead of analyzing its relevance to our mission and vision. That is how we end up with a failed marriage , business and so on. 

Before listening to anyone saying anything about your life , remember your vision and mission. If it doesn't fit discard it. Don't allow anyone or anything to side track you from your vision and mission. Live your life and only change the plan to get to your vision and fulfill your mission if it is not a distraction. My partner has decided they are not going to talk to me. Was that in my mission? No. Then find a way to get back to the mission and vision. Someone thinks my dress could have been made better by their tailor. Did the dress impress me when I took it? Yes , wear it proudly. Someone thinks I should be earning from my dancing. Was that in my mission? No, Well tell them you are happy dancing for free. When the time comes to earn money you shall seek their advice. Learn to recognize that which drives you closer to your vision and that which drives you further from it. 


Saturday, 27 July 2019

How to get back the sexual desire towards your husband

Sex starts from the mind. When a person isn't calm in terms of their thoughts there are many things that evade them. The mind is what sends messages to other systems to function. When something is a miss in the body the mind is the one that gets the body to react in a way to show all isn't well. With this background when you lose sexual desires as a woman you need to observe your thought patterns. 

Secondly you need to deeply analyse what could be bothering you. Sex isn't a priority to most women naturally unlike men. It can be put at the bottom of  a woman's to do list. Unfortunately this isn't the same with men. To a majority of men sex calms them down. Majority of men use sex to relax while a lady needs to be relaxed to have sex. I hope you get the difference.

Thirdly the lady needs to observe what she is eating. The body needs to be fully nourished. She need foods that makes her feel good and give her enough nutrients  for her body. Sex is an active exercise that uses up our energy. If one eats foods that aren't balanced the body shall not be charged enough for sex.

Fourthly the lady needs to take care of herself. She could make her nails, do her hair, dress in clean clothes inside and outside. Put something that makes her feel beautiful 😘. All while she reminds herself how sexy & beautiful she feels during the day. Husbands please dish out compliments when such efforts are madeπŸ™„πŸ™„

Fifth, get help. Don't overwhelm yourself with everything. Get someone to help you or give yourself a commercial break. In addition to taking care of everyone else, remind yourself you need to take care of yourself. So get together with the girls and laugh. Go for swimming just with the girls. As in remind yourself how it was  being a girl and what you did to enjoy your life. So long as it's not something that disrespects your husband do it. Better still inform him what you doing and why you doing it.

Sixth , remember as a wife your desire should be for your husband. If the desire is gone, to whom is it for now? Find that out. Could be your children or fulfilling your individual projects. A woman was made to a companion to her husband. It can only mean she's having other companions that is why she has no interest to be her husband's companion. Prioritize being your husband's companion.

Seventh,talk openly to your husband. Stop keeping grudges. If there is something he did that annoyed you talk to him about it in a calm way. If you are insecure about his love and commitment to you. Talk to him about it. It's his work to make sure you are secure in his  love for you. Communicate with him how he can continuously make this happen.

Eight, You also need to talk sexual with your husband. Talk about the things that you would do to each other that brought maximum pleasure for you both. Talk about the place you had mind blowing sex. Talk about sexual fantasies that you need to help each other fulfill. This shall help the mind bring back the sexual need.

Above all pray about sex. Ask God to bring back the feelings to you. Remind Him of the verses that talk about sex in the Bible and ask Him to help you fulfill them. The devil knows how to use what God meant for our good for his evil. Don't allow yourself to be his advocate.

*Marriage is beautiful*
*Sex is best in marriage*
*Understanding oneself first makes it easy for others to understand you*

*Be blessed*

Tuesday, 23 July 2019

God speaks to us even today


On Sun as I was getting my daughter ready for church I noticed she had stuffed something into her nose. I always take it upon myself to wipe the inside of my daughter's nose with a damp cloth to remove any dirt.  Days before then I had wiped the inside of her nose while struggling. I however ignored thinking since she's 2 years she's just seeking attention. On Sunday however I remembered how earlier this year she had put tissue. A voice in the background whispered get a torch and look inside her nose. Sure enough I saw a Foreign Body (FB) in her right nose. I panicked. 

I thought to myself how I have been pushing the FB deeper into the nose. The damage must be huge, I need to skip church and take her straight to hospital, I thought further.  A voice whispered go and worship God; that is where your strength shall come from. We went for mass (I am a Catholic).  The message was the body is useless without the spirit. God exists in the spirit of man not in the body. When God is inside the spirit of a human being the body shall obey. God enters the spirit of a human when the human welcomes Him. As the preaching went on I asked God, what next? How do I deal with the issue? Yes God answered. 

The back voice said get something to make your daughter sneeze. After church I went straight to the supermarket and got stuff that made her sneeze. I could now see the stuffing closer. When she slept, I got to remove the stuffing.  It was huge and smelly. Unfortunately it did not all get out. What remained was deep inside so I opted to take her to hospital. My daughter could not hold still and the paediatrician referred me to see the ENT the following day. She also advised on a method I would use to try get the stuffing out. I prayed I could remove it and not take her to see an ENT the following day. It didn't work overnight so I decided to take her to the ENT as advised. 

I had been asked to call the hospital before taking my daughter. This is because the clinic gets busy and I need an appointment. I called and was told the clinic could accommodate us. I was also told that since it's a child and it involves a FB, I would be attended immediately I got there. I went ahead to inquire about the cost. The cost involved made me sad. This month I have exceeded my normal spending and I knew I have no extra cash. Hubby too has had his share of overspending. Let's just say it's been a tight month for us. I thought of switching to a different hospital which I thought would be affordable. In the middle of my worrying a voice whispered, dare to trust me. I am in control. That was what I went with. On my way hubby sent me some money but it still wasn't enough. The same voice whispered, I am lessening your burden. 

We went to see the ENT and amazingly we were the first patients. Unfortunately my daughter couldn't hold still. The ENT recommended sedating my daughter to remove it all. He explained the risk of forcing the removal would bring bleeding. I was calm and agreed to take my daughter to the theatre. When we left the doc we found the waiting room full and went straight to get the next steps from the receptionist. A man came as we were talking to the receptionist and introduced himself as a Fr. X (name withheld) which sounded familiar. I asked and he confirmed the church and I now knew why the name was familiar. I looked at him and told him, please bless my daughter. Additionally I asked him to tell her to stop putting things in her nose. He placed his hand on her and smiled. Back to the receptionist. I need to pay. 

I am thinking this procedure is a one day procedure, will the insurance pay? The same voice whispered, trust me, I got this. I was all alone doing all the paperwork. It was tiring moving from one corner of the hospital to the other with my daughter on the back. I was told that my daughter was not to be fed anything as her theater procedure would be in the afternoon. We head to the pediatric section and she's offered some crisps as I am following up with the paperwork. I again panic and advice the parents not to give my daughter anything to eat; doctors instructions. They look at her and pity her. She's also agitated and remembers I carried some yogurt for her. She asks for it but I refuse. I get so overwhelmed in the middle of containing my daughter and paperwork. My daughter's name is called out. They inform me the insurance approved paying and I am asked to fill in details. 

I am getting frustrated then I hear someone call my daughter in the background. It's my good friend. She and I have had our differences lately. My analysis says she's mad at me. I don’t blame her. Lately I have really been misunderstood. She had brought her daughter to clinic and to see a doctor. Her daughter is a perfect distraction to mine. They head out together and I sit and comfortably fill the details. I forgot to mention when I was told about theater, I called my husband. He said he would work on coming to hospital. He works away from us. Our earlier communication was he would be coming the following day. He gets permission and additionally gets a company vehicle coming to Nairobi and gets a lift. Time flies because my friend and her husband are perfect company for us. We are called to go to the theater.

The waiting is overwhelming and I begin to wonder why it's taking so long. The voice again whispers, I got this. Remind yourself of the person's in the Bible that have been cured. I obey and do that. My daughter gets out of theater screaming and shouting. She's wild. I rush to pick her and she calms down amid struggles once in a while. My husband gets to hospital as we are calming our daughter. He talks to her on phone and she calms down.  She however didn't want the nurses to touch her and I am allowed to take her outside to her father. He stays with her as I make follow ups on what next. They inform me they are working on the bill as they get my daughter to cooperate. I decide to follow up on the bill. The cashier informs me not to worry he is in touch with the insurance people. To cut the story short. Everything was paid and we were discharged. Before discharging us my daughter cooperates and they confirm all her vital signs are good. We head home and all through I am thinking wow what just happened. The voice whispered my promises are yes and amen. Have faith even as small as the mustard seed and you shall move all the mountains. 

Ladies and gentlemen God is speaking to us daily. He speaks to us directly, through others and our everyday walk. To hear from Him we need to quiet our thoughts. Be more attentive to Him. Stay in remembrance of Him and watch Him manifest Himself in your life.  I am glad I took the opportunity to trust Him. Always remember, good or bad events have a deeper reason for occurring. This was something bad but God used it to trust Him more with what He has given me. He had assured me that He takes care of my needs. He has assured me that His plans over my life are good. I advise us all to trust Him. Taste Him and experience His goodness. I look forward to hearing from Him every day. I talk to Him about everything. He is my number one confidant. Make Him yours. You shall never regret. 

*Be blessed*

Sunday, 21 July 2019

You are not Rejected ; Biblical Understanding of Rejection

*Who rejects us?*
Most of the times it's the people around us.

*Who doesn't reject us?*
God doesn't reject us.

*Which mortal should never reject us?*
The mortal that should never reject us is ourselves. The reality is rejection hits hard and attacks us because we have rejected ourselves.

*Who was rejected in the Bible?* How did the persons mentioned in the Bible handle rejection?*

When Noah was asked to build an ark by God, many thought he was mad. He called people into the ark and continued building the ark. This is exactly what the rejected need to do. When one is rejected for what they believe in let that not stop them. Keep building. When it starts raining those that rejected you shall witness God's victory into your life.

Joseph was one person that was rejected in very many ways. The rejection started with his family. The brothers could just not stand him because he had favour. The Favour was visible because it was from God and his earthly father. Joseph was curious to improve himself and well I guess that is why his brothers were jealous and his father entertained him. Joseph was also very honest. He spoke of the great things he dreamt and this made his brothers hate him more. We all know what the rejection did to him. His brothers organised to throw him out. That was not enough he rejected the wrong things and he was put in jail. He continued to live an upright life.

Joseph has great lessons for the rejected.
1. He continued to accept himself no matter what the brothers said.
2. He continued to do the right thing despite the circumstances.
3. He found ways to move on after rejection.
4. He had the chance to revenge against his brothers. He chose peace. Revenge is never worth it among those that reject you.

Moses may have grown in the palace as a prince but the king's treatment made him curious. It was  in his curiosity that he discovered who he was. From then on the journey towards his life purpose began.

The lesson for the rejected is get curious. Seek to know who you are. The rejection is so you know who you are and do God's work. If the king had not rejected Moses, he would have gotten comfortable. The Israelite would not have been freed. We are rejected so that we fulfill a greater purpose for God.

David's rejection was again from his family. To the family he was a boy and well the weakest of all. God saw a king instead. When he went into battle with Goliath , the guy saw nothing. The weapons that David brought with him were laughable. David however knew who he was and who was with him. That is how a boy brought down a giant with stones. Thereafter he faithfully served his boss, but the boss rejected him. The boss was jealous to a point of organizing to have him killed. When David had the opportunity to revenge he didn't. He actually gave his enemy a decent burial. David too understood that though Saul rejected him it didn't mean all his kinsmen were evil. That is why he continued to have a good relationship with Jonathan. He was faithful to that friendship even after the death of his friend. When David sinned he knew that brought pain to God. He owned up to his sins and repented sincerely.

Lessons from David.
1. People may see a mare person but God sees His anointed great creation.
2. Know who you are and who is with you.
3. Believe in the weapons you have to face the battle.
4. Don't pass on the rejection to others.
5. Do not revenge.
6. When you do wrong even after being exalted by God repent.
7. Bosses reject you because they are threatened by you. Let that not bother you. Know your purpose and keep doing God's work.

Jesus Christ was rejected. He was rejected because many misunderstood Him. They didn't know His purpose.  The lesson is clear for the rejected. There are people who reject you because they don't understand your purpose. Jesus was seen like He was exhaling Himself. That didn't stop Him from knowing He was the Messiah. He walked with those who believed in who He was.

Forget those who don't understand your cause. Keep doing good. Don't stop doing good because people are saying you doing it for the show.

The prostitute lady
The prostitute lady was rejected. She was seen as a disgrace. In the eyes of humans she was too sinful to come to God. She deserved death. There are lessons she gives the rejected.

1. All sins are equal and all have sinned.
2. Don't allow anyone make you feel guilty over something you did. They are sinners too. Repent to God and trust in His grace.
3. Past mistakes should not govern your life. You can make a brand new start.
4. We are rejected for God's glory. Her rejection taught those around Jesus something.

 There are many more. Take time to read the Bible.

Get out of that state of rejection. It is the devil's way of getting you not to fulfil God's purpose in your life. The devil want to make you his advocate by keeping you with thoughts of rejection. Flee from him completely.

*Be blessed*

Saturday, 20 July 2019

A Wife from the Bibilical Understanding.

*Her origin*
She came from God through man. God created Eve after creating Adam. By the time Eve was coming into focus, Adam had interacted with God's creation. God intended to have Adam as the only one that looked like Him.  It was after He saw Adam was lonely that He created Eve.  For Eve to be created Adam needed to be put to sleep because one of his ribs was to be taken and given to Eve.  Who came from the other? 🀷🏾‍♀πŸ€”

*Welcome Wife*
When Eve was created, Adam was impressed he had a companion. He was no longer lonely. Since he had arrived before her,  I am sure he gave Eve a good orientation. Then what happened? Eve was to be Adam's companion. While Adam was away, Eve got to be a companion to the serpent.  As a wife, when your husband is away, whose companion are you? How do you keep yourself busy?

*Wife's power* 
Wives need to realise that though the man came first, they have the gift of influence over him. She therefore has a way of convincing him to draw to God or devil. It had never occurred to Adam that he could eat the fruit until Eve convinced him. As a wife what are you convincing your husband to do? Are you pushing him to God or devil?

*The curse to the wife*
After the two had eaten the forbidden fruit, God cursed them. The woman is to have desire only towards her husband and he is to rule over her. She is also to experience pain during labour. As a woman, are you allowing your husband to rule over you? God made him your leader, do you respect his authority?

God's way
The book of Genesis is clear. A man and woman shall leave their parents and become one. As a wife have you left your parents? Are you still leaking information about your family to your parents?

*Beyond creation Story Lessons from Wives in the Bible*

What did the former queen do to her king for Esther to be crowned queen? Are we that wife who is called to attend to her husband but behaves like that queen and disgraces her husband? Who shall be blamed when an Esther who knows how to treat her king is found? Read the story there's  a lot to learn how a wife is replaced by a mistress.

Esther has valuable lessons for wives. When she knew her king had discovered her origin, What did she do? How did her king always find her? Does your husband come home to find you in rags?When you want your husband to attend to a pressing need, do you take time to prepare like Esther?

Bathsheba (David's wife), when she needed her son to be anointed next king what did she do? When Samuel heard about Absalom, he talked to Bathsheba to go before him. He had confidence in the relationship she had with king David. Do people have confidence in the relationship between you and your husband? Can you be trusted  to relay  information in a manner to calm your husband?

Looking at the mother of Jesus. The angel of God told Joseph about his bride to be and he went ahead to marry her. God may have spoken to Joseph but do you think that is all it took? How many men had God spoken to and didn't heed to the call? He deeply understood his wife to be and trusted her. As a wife does your husband fully trust you? Would he stand by you when you are placed in a compromising situation?

Read Songs of Solomon. That is purely for a wife to understand how she is to treat her husband and please him in bed. Yes sex is Godly. Don't deny him unless you have agreed and are fasting. As a wife you need to be prepared. Learn from Esther and Songs of Solomon. You shall know what to do.
Remember submit to your husband as the church submits to Christ. How do you talk or go to God? Do you do the same with your husband?

If wives are going to be better wives to their husbands they need to deeply understand the Bible. There are many lessons the wives in the Bible teach us. Take time to read and learn from them.

*Be blessed*

Friday, 5 July 2019

My name Speaks Life . What of Yours?

Children are a gift and blessing. When I learnt I was pregnant with my first born child, I was overwhelmed. Right from my childhood I desired to be a mother. This life desire was probably instilled in me because I helped raise my cousins and probably because I was an only child for so many years. When I became a woman and finally understood what it meant to be a mother, I visited my friends to celebrate the bundle of joy that had come into their life. During the visit I would seek to know the name of the baby. 

I have had low moments in my life when I questioned who I was and life purpose. I went out seeking for all the answers I could find from all the sources. The source that made sense to me was the Bible. Reading the Bible revelead to me that when God needed to task someone, He empowered them with their name. That is the time I went digging the meaning of my name "Grace Anne Wangari. The discovery was impressive. My name was and is so powerful I wanted to speak it loudly and proudly to all; I still do.   The name means "Favor Favor Wa-leopard " which I commonly refer as Double Favor Wa-leopard. I came to learn that Grace means Favor and Anne means Grace hence the Double Favor. As for Wangari the English translation from Kikuyu is Wa- leopard. My name meant and means that I walk in favor , I am favored, I have favor and this gave me a new sense of purpose ; to share the favor. In addition, I sort to seek the good traits in a leopard and this too wowed me .  I discovered that unlike other cats the leopard isn't under threat of extinction. This is because a leopard is able to adapt to extreme weather conditions. It will eat insects & grass to survive when there are no animals to hunt. This loudly spoke to me that I have endurance through my name. Nothing and no-one should put me down, I was born to thrive even in harsh conditions. 

When the doctor confirmed we were expecting a girl. My husband and I decided we need a name that speaks into the life of our child. Kikuyu culture dictates that the first boy and girl of a family is named after the father and mother of the man (I find this selfish, story for another day) This meant that my daughter was to adopt the Kikuyu name of my mother in-law. Fortunately for us we had 3 names to choose from and we settled on Wangui - which we understood to mean Wa-firewood. She would be the fire that warms up our heart and family we were blessed referring her as such. When it came to the baptismal name we settled for Zanetta which is a Spanish name that means God's gift. It was perfect because we had both longed to be parents and God had finally gifted her to us. We further dug the short form meaning of her baptismal name.  The name spoke more life into our daughter. Zane - God is gracious ( but it's a boy's name) (English) and Netta - drops of water found inside a rose in the early morning ( Arabic) . Our daughter had quenched the thirst in us to be parents ; God had been gracious to us.

Today I choose to challenge us all to know the meaning of our name. Let us look to empower ourselves with our name. There are names whose meaning spell bad things but look for the positive meaning and adopt it. Refuse to identify yourself with the negative meaning of your name. As we choose the names of our children let us choose names that speak life into them not misery. Let us raise our children proud of their names. We can only do this if we all take time to understand what a name means before giving it to our child. Remember with the name we are empowering the world to identify a child as per the meaning of the name. The name also speaks the life that the name means. 

Names are powerful and speak life or death into our lives. Let us identify with the meaning of the name that speaks life. I believe our names have a meaning in one language out there. Yap Wang is King in Chinese. Goes on to empower me through my name Wangari.  


The Bile and Jealousy is Holding Our Blessings

There are times when I have a message to share but can't place the starting  point . This is just one of them and well I believe it shall flow as we continue. Did you hear what they said about trips in Dubai, London and wherever? They were being insensitive some of us only know holidays spent in the village. These people come to the village with big cars to show off. Can't they see most people in the village are in misery and they help them out instead of the big cars? My goodness they are living large instead of taking their money to the orphans! You mean that politician takes his children to those big schools and can't take them to public schools? They are a sham. You mean you can buy a car and I requested you to loan me money to get my wife from hospital after delivery of our baby you refused?? These are some of the things I have heard that have been pointed out as people are comparing the haves and have not. 

We have clearly missed it all. We look at people when they are talking about how they have been blessed or when they are enjoying their life and sneer. We say they are boasting, insensitive and God will deal with them for showing off. Actually God shall instead deal with us for being envious and jealous. 

For readers of the Bible , the message is clear: 

James 3:14-16
But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart, do not be arrogant and so lie against the truth. This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, natural, demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing.
Genesis 4:3-5
So it came about in the course of time that Cain brought an offering to the LORD of the fruit of the ground. Abel, on his part also brought of the first-lings of his flock and of their fat portions And the LORD had regard for Abel and for his offering; but for Cain and for his offering He had no regard So Cain became very angry and his countenance fell.

Some of us our lives are disorderly because we are filled with so much envy that all that surrounds us is evil. Some of us give God like Cain while others are giving to God like Abel .When Abel is blessed we want to kill them because we are envious of them. Forgetting that Abel is being blessed because he gives to God wholesomely. We can't give God selectively and expect to reap wholesomely. The Bible clearly says what a man sows so shall he reap. Sow small you shall reap small. 

We are so threatened when our friends do well, we want to put them down. We are so threatened when a junior colleague starts shining because we feel they shall take over our position. We are so jealous of our brothers and sisters we want to eliminate them. We are so jealous of the rich we want to go take all they have. This is all locking our blessings. 

How about we hold the hand of a friend that is growing and in the process learn something to improve ourselves. How about we support that junior colleague grow and while they may take our position, God up-scales us. Or perhaps they grow and go lead another company and support us to grow our-self in other ways. Or look to the rich and ask God to show us how to tap the blessings from Him as they did. Or we support our brothers and sisters that they shall want to uplift our children when we are not there for our children.  

The devil knows that we have a lot of blessings to tap from God. The devil knows the amount of wealth, happiness that God has for us to tap. His is to steal, destroy and kill because he has nothing. The devil steals from you peace over the blessing of others, then destroys you with jealousy and successfully kills your faith in God. That is when we turn to his evil schemes to get our inheritance and it costs us heavy. While all we needed to do is ask God for it and make it right with Him. Let us not allow ourselves to be misled. 

The blessings of God are in abundance and are free for all His children to inherit. The minute we shall come to this realization, we shall celebrate each other more and live a more peaceful life. May God give us wisdom.