Tuesday, 29 September 2015

The Weight of a Wet Duvet

 Last weekend was one of those weekends I decide to clean the duvet. A key factor to consider is the presence of adequate water and sunshine. I soaked it early in the morning and went to church. When I came back from church most of the dirt was out so I didn't need to use much energy.Once cleaned up it was time to hang the duvet. Unfortunately for me the clothesline couldn't hold its weight and broke. I had to rinse the duvet  again and look for a stronger clothesline that could hold the weight. I am happy to report that I succeeded in my search and the duvet dried and was neatly folded in the evening.

Today I reflected on that incidence and realised it had a lesson for me. Like the first clothesline we may not withstand the weight  of the life baggage we carry, not because we aren't good enough but because we weren't designed to carry all that weight. We break because we were not meant to carry so much weight. Only by seeking God's help can we not break. I actually later fixed the line and was able to hang some other light clothes. When the weight of life is too much ask God to lessen it for you. He is faithful to give us weights that don't break us.

 Its time to each ask, What weights am I carrying? Why can't I let it go and ask God to carry it for me? Is it really doing me any justice to continue carrying the weight over my shoulder?

Wishing us all a blessed Evening.

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