Thursday, 17 September 2015

The Truth about Enemies and Friends

In my own analysis I feel I know majority of my friends but don't know the number of enemies I have. I have come to know that at times enemies live among ones friends list. There have been stories of people being betrayed by those they considered their loyal friends. Friends who have been there to see you transition from one stage of life to another only to use what they have known over the years to destroy you.


Are those really the enemies and most dangerous enemies around us?


From my observation  have come to realise that for majority of people, friends are those that praise you. Those will be the people we want around us. People who massage our ego will become our friends very easily and fast. Majority are those we term as our friends are they that posses our good side. Those that make our dreams our reality.However when it comes to enemies, they are those that will not massage our ego. Most importantly, they are those that posses our inner dark selves.Majority of our enemies manifest our dark side hence the reason we avoid being around them. They are those people who make our fears a reality.


My overall interpretation of my observation is enemies and friends all relate to the thoughts we chose to have about a person. A thought determines the category that we place people around us and ourselves too. Enemies and friends from outside and inside are a manifestation of our thoughts. It is therefore important to ask ; what am I thinking about my neighbour? Would I be comfortable with them knowing what I think about them? What am I thinking about myself? Would I be comfortable if another person told me the things I tell or think of myself ?


Those are my sentiments. I hope that we can all make the discovery of having the right thoughts about ourselves our lifetime innovation to finding true happiness.




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