Each day I live is an opportunity to learn something from all that I come across from people to things. There is just so much to Inspire, Motivate and Challenge us. Journey with me as I open us all to that world.
Thursday, 17 September 2020
Limited Thinking Paralysis
Friday, 11 September 2020
Are you a Prisoner?
Disclaimer: It's that time again to get controversial. I am a Christian. When I speak of the Holy Book it will be the Bible. I hope you can read this piece making reference to the Holy Book found in your religion. I hope we all have a life manual that guides our life.
I have grown up knowing I was created in God's own likeness. The Bible also tells me I was created in God's own image. I therefore have ability to create unlike other living things. That is how in my geography class I was taught of manmade resources.
Man after creation was told by God to be fruitful, multiple and fill the earth. While many have focused on procreation, I am of a different school of thought. My school of thought was man was to fill up the earth through creating things on earth. True to God's declaration, man has created things that are both of benefit and/or harm to himself and/or other living creatures. The common denominator here being God blessed man with the ability to create. I want to imagine each religion receives God's way of doing things from their Holy Book. The word is read and practiced by individuals of that faith freely. God gave us His word on how to live and doesn't interfere. We live by the choices we make. While the Bible tells Christians not to steal, many Christians steal. That is how we end up having Christians in jail over stealing. Choices come with consequences. Each action comes with a reaction. Which can sometimes be death.
Back to the creation story. God created everything and said it was good. Man later came forward and set standards of what is good and what is bad. These standards will vary from place to place. That is how while abortion is illegal in Kenya, it is legal elsewhere. I feel we humans forget God has guidelines and standards of what is good and bad. All which are found in the Holy Book for each faith. That is why perhaps we are made to know that vengeance and judgment belongs to God. We are a people that gauge good and bad based on selfish interests. While the Bible talks of being faithful in marriage, we talk of encouraging affairs to take care of the disadvantaged population. God condemns adultery stop justifying it. God condemns stealing, stop justifying it. God commands us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Some of us don’t even know what self-love is therefore can’t offer love to another person. The Bible talks of a wife being submissive but women will tie the submission to certain conditions and men will condition loving a wife. Do we skew the word of God for our own selfish interests?
Let's talk of the secular things. A love song will play and I will sing along and get funny stares. Those that are bold will ask, why are you singing that song and its secular? Are you not the one that talks to people about God? The answer has always been isn't God love? Who is it that gifts us all? Which commandment is one breaking by singing secular songs? How do you suppose singing a secular song prevents me from having a personal relationship with God? Majority of the times none is able to answer. The answer I get has been, its wrong as a Christian to sing secular songs. This is what I have an issue with. Have we gotten so caught up with people telling us what is good and bad that we lost our identity? As a person of this and that religious belief, do you deeply follow your Holy book? Are you following your understanding of God's word or another persons? Are you reading your Holy Book as a story book or to receive God's word over your life?
The Bible clearly tells Christians that if
your right hand is causing you to sin, cut it off. Many have taken this
literally but it has a deeper meaning. My understanding is if something leads you to sin, then don’t do it. Coming back to self love, we can only know what is bad and have courage to avoid it when we know ourselves. How about we do things with a deep
personal understanding of God and self not people’s standards and /or understanding. How about we
truly practice self-love and God’s word to us? How about we each do a personal
analysis of who we are? Try it sometime. The liberation that comes with it is
beyond human understanding. Allow yourself to be led by God's word not fellow human beings. Release yourself from that prison you have locked yourself in for so long.
Picture this, I am a Christian, I sing a religious song and I am stealing, killing , hating my neighbor and abusing my wife. Does that bring me close to God? How does that spread God's word? While singing a love song may lead one to sin it could lead one to express love to their partner. Please do you!
Tuesday, 8 September 2020
The Road from Nowhere to Somewhere - Part 2
Deferring my studies for one year offered a relief. I however needed to take time and think what I really wanted to do. In addition to the antidepressants I was put on, the doctor recommended I go for counseling. I went for two sessions of counseling and discontinued because they left me confused. Looking back it was either I wasn't presenting my issue right or the counselor wasn't taking time to understand me. By God's grace I was off the drugs and was back to my bubbly self. I had thoughts of changing the course but that didn't happen. I chose to stay put and finalize my Graduate degree. I was determined to get a masters degree in Economics. I therefore rejoined in 2012 and began my journey with caution. The Director actually advised me to take a maximum of 2 units per semester.
Lets just say I was in for a long ride, I am yet to graduate with a masters degree in Economics 8 years later. I instead graduated in faith and a relationship with God. When I resumed classes in 2012, I experienced attacks of depression. Several sessions with the psychiatrist revealed that what I was suffering from was in fact anxiety disorder which would graduate to depression. It was not until this year that I got an understanding of what was happening to me all this while.Everything made sense over this period I have been home and experienced a sense of calmness. A lot more happened in between that could fill a book. All I know is the moments I felt was the end points translated into new beginnings.
Even without a masters degree, I went a grade up at work in 2013. I was actually dealing with an attack at that point when I got promoted. Its so funny because word was going round I was gaining weight because my pockets were fuller while in actual sense it was the antidepressants that were making me balloon up. This was to be the first sign I needed to see but I didn't. I kept pushing wrongly and got burned deeply. I did my exams with so much fear of failing and sometimes while on medication. My fears came to life. I failed two units that I retook with much difficulty. This was another sign I was supposed to see but missed out on. I am through with my course work and currently working on my project. I am very positive I will get to graduate.
I would like to explain to you what happened to me and how I ended up sick. I was trying to control my future. I was trying to take care of my mother. I put my masters at a level so high and forgot God. This is what made me sick. I placed value on the masters and forgot whose child I was. God opened a door of promotion, mum began constructing her house and I started practicing as an Economist even without my masters. I have interacted with high profile persons and pushed agendas at levels I never thought possible. God ensured I was good at my work and when He noticed I was worshiping that work, He reminded me who I should be worshiping. Oh and I got married š. I have since recovered. God has been faithful. Anxiety attacks is not anything I would wish on anyone. It paralyses an individual.
I wrote this article not for a pity party but to remind us all to stop trying to control our future or life. Live in the present, serve and acknowledge God in your life. Surrender controlling things and let God take control. Stop thinking because you don't have this or that now, your life is doomed. Choose to focus on the plan God has for you. I can confirm to each of us that the plans of man aren't plans of God. He says I got you, allow me to get you there. That thing that you are working so hard to get that is so elusive release it. God is saying to us all worship Me not those things. Some of us are too caught up worshiping getting married, a job , a baby ,... when should be worshiping the One true God. Until we learn Who we should rightfully worship, we shall continue to live in unhappiness.
Another key reason why I wrote this piece is in efforts to end the stigma around mental health. I don't hide the battle I have had with anxiety that resulted into depression. I have experienced stigma that brought to light the reason why many people commit suicide instead of seeking help. I have had moments when those that know of my battle have insinuated I have behaved in a certain way because of the illness that once befell me. I am treated like a victim of mental health instead of a victor of mental health. Its time to understand that mental health is a health issue like any other. Having a mental health issue doesn't mean one cannot live a normal life. Illnesses around mental health are many and no one is immune. People recover from mental illnesses. Mental illnesses can recur in one person. Just like it happens for other known diseases like Malaria, BP, Diabetes and so on. Make an informed decision today to end the stigma you could have on anyone dealing or who has dealt with a mental illness. Same way we understand other patients , let us understand patients of mental health. Stigmatizing only makes things worse.
While trying to control my future landed me into anxiety and climaxed to depression, it's possible you trying to control things is resulting into a disease you are battling. Let it all go and let God. None of us made an application to be born and therefore the One who ensured we landed safely got us. All we need to do is serve Him truthfully.
Feel free to write to me through my email annewacha@gmail.com if you need help on any of the things I have talked about.
The Road from Nowhere to Somewhere - Part 1
I first noticed something was off when I couldn't sleep. I would wake up at night and my mind was a market of people talking. No discussion was complete. The talks would be left hanging and another would soon start. It was one thought after another. All happening inside my head. Saying my mind was flooded with thoughts is an understatement. What I was experiencing was a hurricane of thoughts. This is a story of my life and the fire I had to go through to get me to the spiritual understanding I now hold. A story of how I am able to put it up together even in difficult circumstances.
It all began in 2011. I had signed up for my graduate degree in Economics because I wanted to better myself and my family. I figured the degree would open lots of doors that I considered locked because of my academic qualifications. The degree was to offer me bargaining power with an employer. I would also have a sense of direction in my profession. A better pay meant I could help mum build a house. She had given up so much for me , it was time for me to give her back. My undergraduate degree was in Bed (Arts) specializing in Economics and Mathematics. This rightfully placed me in teaching, but I didn’t feel I wanted my life to revolve around teaching in a classroom. Don’t get me wrong, I respect classroom teachers. My mother is a teacher and she has sisters and a brother who are teachers. I truly respect the profession because I have witnessed what mum, my uncle and aunties have been able to do for themselves as teachers.
After graduation I went into selling insurance. I would actually tell myself I am teaching people on investment and savings plans. I did this for 2 years until I felt insurance sales wasn't for me. I began looking for a job in the corporate world but no one seemed to be able to place me. Who am I kidding, I felt lost. I felt the corporate world would not take me since I belonged in a class teaching. True to my thoughts, I applied for a class teaching job and got it. I remember my friend and I hunting for a teaching job. I was hired and she wasn't. This was despite her undergraduate course being more lucrative than mine. I was hired because I was a professionally trained teacher. I taught for a month then resigned because I felt underpaid in addition to the dissatisfaction inside me. When I resigned, I went back into insurance sales but that too wasn't satisfying. Luckily I got another teaching job with a better pay.
I was still not happy, reason being I was heading computer classes. Yes I also hold a post graduate diploma in Institute for the Management of Information Systems -IMIS (UK). I had made it clear to my employer that my preference was teaching Economics or Mathematics. The teaching position that was available and the one I was interviewed for was computer classes. My employer had lots of confidence in me that I could teach computer. This was also because I was teaching IT and Economics in my previous school. I told myself,” Grace you can do this”. When I got into reading the syllabus, I realized they are things I had been taught at an advanced level. It was a walk in the park. The school job worked well too because by 3 we would go home. Part of me didn't feel I belonged in a classroom so I still continued job hunting. An opportunity arose in a government agency and this was the breakthrough that I needed. It didn’t matter that the pay was going to be less. What mattered was I was where I felt I belonged. It was time to fly and actualize my dreams.
Armed with an undergraduate degree in teaching there were times colleagues would be tell me I should be teaching. Efforts to explain I specialized in subjects done in other courses went down the drain. I needed to deal with this nightmare. The only way I saw was a Graduate degree in either Mathematics or Economics. I chose Economics. Here I was now enrolled and going after what I felt was the door to my success.
Everything was going to plan. I had saved enough cash and cleared my semester fees. I even had a plan on how I would ensure I never lacked fees. I ensured my bills would be serviced by 60% of my earnings and the 40% was to be saved towards financing my education. Then the headaches began. I couldn’t read. I was too scared. Economics suddenly became too difficult. Even the simple calculations I knew I could do I couldn’t understand. My world came crumbling down.
Saturday, 5 September 2020
Does God really exist?
It is said until you experience something, you never know it exists. It's not once I have come across persons that question God's existence. I too have at one point in my life questioned His existence. There are questions revolving around religion. One religion feels they are more true than the other. While I am a proud Christian, I respect other religions.
The reason I respect other religions is because the God they serve blesses them as they worship Him. When I pray in the midst of other religions I bow and pray to my God. The God of Abraham the one who gave His son to die on the cross for my sins. That is my version. I respect other versions. I know there is a common creation story in majority of the religions. Each religion has a saviour or one with unquestionable faith mentioned in their Holy book.
It's really unfortunate that the religious divisions that exist are used to fight each other. Most of which is in contrary to the Holy book teaching. I don't think there is a religion preaches hate, stealing and killing. Well at least not Christianity. Unfortunately many are doing wrong things in the name of God. It's no wonder questions of God's existence come up.
Questions like if God exists how can people be dying from pandemics? If God is so loving how can a whole family be wiped out? If God is rich how can there be poor people? If God is a provider, how can there be people sleeping hungry? If God is just, how come there is lots of injustice?
Let me share my understanding. This understanding doesn't have to be agreeable to you. I respect those who disagree with it all.
As a Christian, I have come to understand that humans were created in God's image and likeness. They therefore have ability to create. Over the years they have created things that have been of benefit and harm to them. In addition being flesh makes them have selfish desires and therefore skew things towards their benefits and the expense of other human beings. It's about satisfying greed as opposed to need. That is how some steal, kill in the name of God's blessings. That is not God it's human flesh. They do it for themselves not God.
When God created us , He also gave us free will. By free will I mean freedom to choose good and bad. Each religion talks of do's and don'ts. Each human then decides the path to take. When one takes the bad path they simply bare with the consequences. While Christians talk of following the devil to imply bad things. Other religions talk of bad karma. Which is actually in the Bible in the line of what one sows so shall they reap.
Humans can't go destroying nature and expect things to balanceš¤·. Cut down all the trees and suffer drought and floods. Pollute the environment and suffer the scourging sun. Get into the lab and release biological weapons and suffer the consequences. It's as simple as that. It's not that God isn't love. It's not that God enjoys seeing His creation suffer. He just doesn't force his way into our lives. The minute we come to this understanding we shall not be misled in the name of getting God's blessings. Stop agreeing to be blackmailed, jailed, kidnapped in the name of God and religion. Free yourself by seeking a personal connection with God. This will only be found by reading your Holy book not as a story book but with a deep understanding. An understanding that allows you to mirror your life into the story or verse you read from your Holy book.
God does exist and God is everything good. God is immortal we are the mortals. God reigns supreme over everything. God isn't forceful. God comes to all those that seek Him. I have experienced Him and continue to experience Him. He is everything to me. I desire the same for you too.
Let each of us ask themselves:
- Do I follow God or a religion or a person?
- How do I read the word of God?
- How do I internalise God's word?
- How is God's word true in my life?
Wednesday, 2 September 2020
Have We Gotten Comfortable Praising the Devil at the Expense of God?
When I heard news that we were going to be parents a second time I was filled with so much excitement. I even went out to pick names that would rhyme with our daughter's name. The excitement however took a different turn when we lost the pregnancy at 10weeks. This was after I had gone through painful and very expensive injections. In fact the week that we lost the pregnancy, we had ordered for a pregnancy pillow just so that I could sleep comfortably. Thank God the supplier was kind enough to allow me to cancel the pillow. Having the pillow in our bedroom would have been a permanent constant reminder of the events that unfolded on 11th July, 2020. I was given 5 days sick off and by Thursday 16th , July 2020, I was in the office. In fact that day I had so much pending follow ups that it was a big relief to be back to work. Those that knew what had transpired from the blog I shared were shocked to see me running up and down in the office.
While some labelled me a super woman, others thought I was masking the pain I was experiencing. They felt I am putting on a brave face. One common thing that the two divides didn't want to appreciate was that I had involved God through it all. I had totally surrendered to His will. In fact my prayer was that God gives me strength to go about my normal duties regardless of the road our pregnancy would take. When the bleeding started during our pregnancy, I told God I don't have experience in carrying a second pregnancy neither in a miscarriage. I totally surrendered to God and told Him I need His strength in either of the paths. When the path was the baby was to be God's not mine I went into praising mode. He gave me strength just as I had asked of Him. I am no super woman. I am God's child and its in Him I draw my strength. Well unfortunately I can't do much about those who think I am masking it. Its for God to visit them not me. I choose to celebrate God's doing.
Its no surprise that the people who feel I am masking my pain will feel that any person that confesses they are doing well, is showing off. It breaks my heart that we are so comfortable talking about the troubles we are facing and not the victories in our lives. Its very common when I tell a friend of my troubles to tell me I will pray for you. Seldomly have I told a friend about the victories and heard, "I will offer a prayer of thanksgiving on your behalf." Why do we find it easy to pray when we are victims and hard when we are victors?
Why does it have to be that when someone says God has blessed me with: a car, beautiful wife, a house , beautiful children and booming business they are showing off? Why is it so easy for us to bad mouth that person? Why can't we use that as a testimony that God is also going to visit us and we can testify as they are? Why do we have to allow the devil to convince us how boastful the person is and refuse to see God's ability to bless us? Take time to ask and answer these questions.
Its clear to me that we have gotten comfortable praising the devil at the expense of God. What are you willing to do about this?