Saturday, 3 August 2019

When and Why good things happen to bad people.

We live in an interesting society. Thieves and murderers who are known are walking free. Some because of lack of sufficient evidence and some guess have not been discovered. In the same society, innocent people are in jail because evidence was found that incriminated them. They are serving a sentence. 

I have seen good people get incurable diseases and unfortunately die. While those who are trouble to the society continue to enjoy good health. I once read of a person that died of lung cancer and had never smoked any cigar. In the same world, a chain smoker doesn't get even a cold. 🤷🤷 . Or a careless driver survives and all passengers die. There are cases of I was almost robbed. I was almost killed. I was sodomized and raped. Not because I did something or didn't do anything. I was simply going about my normal duties. Not because the devil and me are one. In fact when it comes to service to God, I am it. It is terrible right? Why then do the good suffer?

For those that read the Bible, they know God's people weren't immune to suffering. The Son of God too wasn't immune. If anything He was crucified yet He is the Son of God. God allowed it to happen. Look at Moses, Joseph, David, Elijah, Sarah, Esther. The list is endless. They too suffered.  Let's get to the understanding of suffering.

Good people have bad things befalling them to remind them of the suffering in the world. Imagine if you were good and got to experience only good things. 🤔 I tend to think one would get comfortable and forget that suffering exists. Imagine if the bad people experience only bad things. They would never think there is a God that loves them. That is why we read testimonies of people who were thieves.  They however turned their lives around when they escaped the hands of death.  That is why we see good people suffering and manage to sail through it. The conclusion can only be their goodness came through for them.

When something bad happens to you or almost happens to you, it's not time to ask why me. It's time to get into thanksgiving. A moment to thank God for reminding you to pray over the evils in the world. It's time to seek God.  The God that had given you rest over evil shall give you victory over evil. Remind yourself that God is using you as a vessel to bring Himself glory. He created us to serve Him not to serve ourselves. 

That is why you were almost raped, killed, robbed or suffered from a life threatening disease and God saved you. To remind you to pray for the evils. Not to get into a pity party. Rise up from the thoughts of I can't imagine that almost happened to me. It almost happened but God prevented it from happening. He prevented it for you to pray that it doesn't happen to another person. It happened to you because God knew and knows you are strong enough to handle that which you could be going through. Rise up and thank God for reminding you to pray not just for yourself but the evils in the world.


  1. This message is very rich. Such an eye opener and an assurance that God only has good plans for us. He allows evil to happen sometimes not because he doesn't care but because he knows what is good for his children.

    1. Well put. Nothing is a surprise to God. 👌👌👌

  2. Awesome message. I sometimes find myself aasking why some things happen to me, or happened to other good people.

    1. I hope the message has given you some insight.
