Thursday, 2 June 2016

Self- Inflicted Pain

Weekends especially Sundays are the day I prefer to do my laundry -after mass. I think of it as a way of bonding with my house and of course do some exercises  . I happen to appreciate having long nails and do what I can to ensure I grow and maintain them. Long nails and laundry however don't go hand in hand. During washing the nails will either break or leave scratches on my hands. The latter is what happened this weekend. I am therefore healing a self-inflicted wound that gave me a lesson to share with us all today.

See friends often times we do things that we so know well will cause us harm. I don't know whether it’s because we appreciate having pain or it’s just that we have never known true painless life. We know what we need to do to avoid harm/pain coming our way but we choose to do it anyway. Say unprotected sex, we know we can contract HIV or have an unwanted pregnancy but continue to indulge in it. We know unplanned spending will lead us to being broke before the month ends and we still do it anyway.  We know nails will scratch us when doing laundry and I still choose to keep them anyway.

Well the message is clear to us. If we chose to go into harm’s way let us be ready to deal with the consequences of our choices without troubling those around us.  As some would say you can't  have….cake something (I have forgotten, someone help me out)

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