Wednesday, 29 June 2016


Recently i decided to weave my hair. I know its not a favorite style for many men on a lady, but sometimes its necessary . Sometimes a lady wants to look different-  those with natural long hair put a short weave for a different look and the vice versa is true.

When it was done the first time, i hated it, I wanted it out of my head faster than it had been fixed.. The following day i went back to the salon for them to change the weave to a style that suited my head. They made some few changes and I went back home.  A week with the changes and i had had enough of the weave. I knew I needed to remove it permanently no matter the money I stood to lose. I booked an appointment with another hair dresser.

When she saw me she advised me against removing it. Apparently it was like that because i was not applying oil.I gave her the benefit of doubt and walla !! The Transformations was real- the hair got a great look .beautiful !!

Which brings me to lesson of the day.Many are the times we feel so down. We feel that perhaps if we got rid of some people or changed our environment we shall experience happiness and progress.  Say a spouse, house,job, physical appearance.Well may be what we instead need is lessons to know how to take care and  live with the spouse,job or house.

Think about it my friend.You are unhappy not because someone or a thing is on the way of your happiness.Its up to each of us to learn how to use what we have to find our happiness n great look.

Have a beautiful day 

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Replacing the broken utensils.

Not so long ago my friend called me and told me she is on her way to town to buy some cutlery. I didn't have much on my table so I decided to take a ride to town and say hi . It had been awhile since we saw each other. When I arrived in town she was already window shopping for her cutlery. I wasn't going to buy but remembered my glasses broke and were no longer a complete set. I must say I love those glasses and getting the same set would have been so awesome. Unfortunately I only got a similar make for one set of glasses. The other set seem to have ceased being manufactured or something. The glasses I missed are my favorite and the ones i have had longest. Its actually not the first time I have tried tracing the same make of glasses but in vain. This experience gave me a lesson I felt I need to share today.

See truth is things will get broken in our lives. Be it in our social, financial, emotional and spiritual self. We shall seek to return to our original positions but sometimes we shall not get that which we had. If we seek to replace what broke in our life and find it's not possible let's learn to move on. Some things we seek to rebuild have been take over by time. We can be lucky to get a complete replication of what we had but failing to get doesn't say all is lost. While window shopping I saw new glasses and well I may as well be going to buy them soon.

Not everything is meant to go as it was sometimes back. Truth is some losses offer us opportunities to find new things to bring us happiness.

Blessed week friends. Hope that lesson has made sense to you as it did to me.

Friday, 24 June 2016

Allergic Reaction

Grace loves jewelry.Her preference is the golden based which unfortunately is hard to get in original form. Not forgetting the original tends to be pricy and at the same time not an everywhere wear. My skin reacts to fake jewelry. But that is not to say I don't buy the fake jewelry knowing very well the allergic reaction I shall have. Recently I wore a chain and forgot to apply precautionary measures and now my neck looks horrific.

As I nurse the reaction I thought of life in general mainly the social aspects. How we already know we shall react unfavorably when we expose ourselves to bad situations and yet continue to go ahead. You know very well something is wrong for you but instead of waiting to have the right thing we think we can circumnavigate and turn it round.

Fake jewelry will never be real jewelry. It's either you save up yourself and get the real jewelry or stay without jewelry. Nobody ever died from failing to wear jewelry but fake jewelry is hazardous. This likeness has a deeper meaning think about it. How long are you going to nurse reactions of fake jewelry? Don't you think your body reaction is speaking volumes to you? Is it worth all the pain back and forth?

Have a blessed day

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Road-map Journey in Defeating Depression

After sharing the encounter I had with depression, there were many that sort to know how I was able to conquer the nagging mosquito called depression. I call it a mosquito because like the mosquitoes that invade my house in the night depression invaded my life and almost paralyzed my everyday living. Each time I thought I finally had killed the noisy mosquito another that was in hiding awakened and it was a long enduring fight.

See the truth is depression can't be ended overnight; it will take major efforts and commitment to finally conquer the illness. I have so much to write and share but for today I will give you core things one must do to recover;

1. Forgiveness
When one is depressed they have overwhelming thoughts of regrets of how things could have been done different. These thoughts of regret need to be countered. It will need one to take steps back right from childhood of the regrets and guilt they have. Do something symbolic:

Write all regrets down and then one by one write I forgive myself for...,I forgive so and so for..., I forgive God for,...

Write all guilty feelings you have and seek forgiveness from God, so and so. If you can't access person's you wronged (they are deceased), write them all down and drop them in church. God is the overall forgiver

2. Accept and Seek Help
Where it is major depression, antidepressants are recommended but need to be prescribed by a shrink. They however should be used hand in hand with other relaxing activities like exercises and meditation.

For minor depression seek professional counselling services. There are free counselors and there are those that charge.

A depressed person shouldn't be allowed to be alone. They could therefore move to a place with a person who understands what they are going through.

3. Eat Right
There are foods that help reduce stress levels. Foods like a ripe banana in the morning and a glass of warm milk before bed time work very well. There are also foods that are rich in serotonin (chemical in the brain responsible for happy thoughts) Food supplements of omega 3 are very helpful.

Eat well balanced foods and avoid the fatty foods. Work with foods that are easy to digest. At all cost avoid intake of alcohol and drugs as they accelerate the situation.

4. Monitor your thoughts
Each hour, take 5 minutes to look back at what you have been thinking the past hr. Any bad thought look for a counter thought that is good. For example, silly me I am late, well good thing I arrived safely...

5. Write all good that happened to you
If you eat three meals in a day, take time to write all down on a piece of paper all the good things that have happened since you last ate. If you don't eat as often, each time you visit the toilet write down all the good that happened to you since your last visit to the toilet. At the end of the day before sleeping, read the overall list of daily occurrence. Kindly note good doesn't have to be winning the rotary, even not falling down, laughing, talking to someone you have not spoken to in a while is a good thing.

6. Write down all the good things you love about yourself
For a depressed person it’s hard for them to find any good in themselves. You can therefore ask someone who knows you well to write the things they admire about you. Have this list close to your bed and every morning after waking up read the list. Even you feel low during the day, read the list. You can save them on emails to read anywhere if you have a smart phone.

7. Take time to pray
God is able to do it all. Tell Him what you need Him to do for Him. Reflect on His messages of hope daily. You can sign up with pastors like Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, and Paula White who have devotional messages sent on email daily.

There is greatness in us all. Always remember that.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016


Every time I hear someone committed suicide I feel sad. I think how close to suicide I was. How I didn't know what was happening to me. My mind was going crazy. I had too many uncontrolled thoughts. I couldn't sleep. Waking up was a problem I no longer cared. I couldn't see anything good in me. But there was that deep voice that told me fight to be better.

I didn't know what to tell my mother and my close family. It was so shameful I felt a loser for having such thoughts. In the end I took myself to see a shrink. It was a battle. A battle that I only won because I had friends and family who stood by me. God even sent me a stranger(my angel) to walk with me.

It's unfortunate that depression has so much stigma and  many African setting blame it on witchcraft. Friends depression can get to anyone. Even the strongest that seems to have their life in order.

Depression comes from long term pent up emotions or pain. Depression comes from sudden change of life or loss of a loved one. Friends depression can come from stress. while others suffer from high blood pressure , heart attacks , gastric problems , severe headaches because of stress, others suffer from depression.

A depressed person needs love and understanding. Not the stigma I see around.Don't try to tell or force a depressed person to be happy, that is one of the most difficult task. Help them get their self esteem back, it all begins with self actual cleaning. Take them for a massage,help them tidy up their desk and house. Just small steps and they become better.

When God cured me awhile back , I made a vow to give a testimony about where He lifted me from. Unfortunately there are those who have distanced themselves from me soon after. And there are those that have used my testimony to fight to recover or help another recover. My focus remains on the latter. He did it for me He can do it for another.

The sooner people learn to openly talk about depression the more lives will be saved.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

He makes me Happy

Unlike others he would never run away when I drew closer to him.  He allows me to touch him and enjoys my touch. Even after a long day he will still walk towards me. In the morning when I get to work he comes to meet me,guess he can smell me and knows I mean no harm. He will roll over and allow me to play with him. For a long time now I never gave him anything and well he and I just connected. The other day I felt its time we take it to another level though he didn't know ,I knew it's time. Unfortunately I forgot to buy him the packet of milk to take our relationship to another level. I felt guilty but he has continued to be with me and draw towards me each time. Today however I have tonnes of meat to take to him. Can't wait to see him happy as he indulges. He didn't force me I just felt I need to return the happiness. That is the cat at work and I story and today our relationship has given me a lesson to share with you all.

See friends friendship built on nothing but trust is awesome and rare. When one decides to take it to another level it's not because they expect anything it's because of the value they place on the friendship. When  it gets to going out of one's way it comes natural. If you get to a level you no longer want to go out of your way to make someone happy the friendship has been damaged. What happens after this is upto you.

Also remember that though there will be many that run away from you there is always that one person that takes the chance to trust you. Finding that person is the task.

Awww it's such a cute cat. So adorable. Yap Waleopard identifies with the cat family :-P

Good day friends and a blessed day ahead.

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Paper mache!!

Back in primary i remember how we used to do art work.One most intriguing art was the paper mache (not sure abt sp ) well the paper would be soaked in water and we were to mould something out of it.

Looking at the paper mache one could not imagine that anything good would come out of it. We however made great moulds and even colored them to bring out the images we needed. Some so good that we would frame and hang in class.

That is how we are at times; soaked in water like the paper mache people think nothing good will come out of us.When we are at our lowest there will be those running because to them we are done.But see God knows that which He wants to make out of us. Soon we will be in lovely colors framed on the wall. A great piece of work to decorate the house.

Your moulder is about to make great art work hold on my dear friends.

Good morning have a good day. May The God of restoration and peace restore that which we need for His glory.Amen.

Thursday, 2 June 2016


"Money is more important than sex in making or breaking relationships. People can accommodate different sexual preferences more easily than differences over handling money."

What are the problem areas?

1. Handling the money
It can cause resentment if one partner feels left with all the responsibility of sorting out the money issues. They feel as if they have all the work and all the worry.

2. Attitudes to money
If you are a miser living with a spendthrift nightmares can result. Resentment can build up. If you are a worrier living with someone with a devil may care attitude the mismatch may create friction.

3.Different priorities
Husbands and wives may have different goals and different fears. One may be paranoid about getting into debt the other may have no problem with loans and credit cards. He might want a flash car, she might want some money in the bank or he might want to retire early but she wants to spend it on the latest fashion or new carpets. He may think the new home cinema is a new asset to the home, she may see it as a boy's toy. One of you may be more interested in having fun, the other in settling down, nesting and starting a family. If the differences are fundamental this can create conflict.

4. Underlying problems
Money arguments may be merely a symptom of a larger underlying problem. Susan Quilliam, in her book Stop Arguing, Start Talking, says that arguments aren't always what they appear to be on the surface - there are many levels of disagreement. If your partner spends without your agreement, you feel robbed of power, and afraid of what else might happen that you disagree with. Or it might bring back powerful feelings from your childhood that you have not resolved - if money was always tight maybe you are still uneasy about spending, even if cash is available. So the argument may not always be about what it seems.

How to avoid the problems that can sabotage a relationship?

1. Talk Directly
Some people may find it embarrassing but it is essential to talk directly about money and your attitudes to money to make sure you are on the same wavelength early on in relationships. You shouldn't assume that you understand how someone feels from what you can see about their behaviour - although it can flag up some warning signs if moths fly out the wallet when it is opened! If you can talk about it you may be able to forge compromises - before it is too late.

2.Discuss your goals
Make sure you both know what your short- medium- and long term goals are. Financially this can be anything from paying off your credit card bills, to saving up for a deposit for a house, to the ability of one person not to work while children are small. If you don't want the same things are you in the right relationship?

3. Discuss your Debt attitudes
Do you both feel the same way about debt? Are you happy paying for the new sofa on a credit card or would you rather save up. Avoid conflicts by understanding one another's attitudes to debt, to spending and to the future.

4.Set some rough limits
Decide how much one of you can spend without consulting the other. Work out how much you are happy to spend on a typical night out.

5.Work out a budget
Sit down and make a list of all expenses - and don't forget to include an allowance for irregular items such as the dentist and car maintenance as well as the obvious bills. Compare this with your income and it should give you a good idea of how much "disposable income" you have - if any and then you can plan what to do with this. If you have no disposable income then you need to have a serious chat about where and how to cut back.

6.Share budgeting responsibilities
You should both know how much you pay for rent/mortgage, council tax, utility bills, car and house insurance, and so on. You should both have an understanding of your total debts and/or savings and investments. Neither partner should feel that they have the entire worry or responsibility.

7.Joint and separate accounts
 For couples where both are working and one partner resents the free spending of the other one solution is to have both joint and separate accounts. You work out what the household expenditures are - mortgage, bills, housekeeping and so on - agreeing on what constitutes a joint expenditure in areas where there may be issues - for example one couple don't buy booze out of the joint account as one of them drinks far more than the other. Then agree to pay a certain amount of your salary into the joint account each month which will cover all the bills. You will need to discuss how much each will pay - some couples may want to pay 50:50 despite the fact that one partner earns more than the other - while others may agree that the person earning the most should pay proportionately more. What each person then has left is his or her own to spend. Alternatively, you could both pay everything into the joint account and then pay yourselves a monthly allowance and neither partner is allowed to criticise what that allowance is spent on.

8. Prioritise your expenses
Don't book an expensive holiday when you are paying off debts. Work out what is more important - a new car or a new bedroom suite, or to put some money by for a rainy day and then stick to the plan. And don't forget most financial advisers suggest that you have three to six months' salary put by to cope with unexpected events so perhaps this should be your first goal.

9. Plan for Treats
Don't forget the occasional treat Unless you are really hard up you should give yourselves the odd treat. Most people work really hard and if it is all scrimping and saving for some future gratification it can be very dismal.

If you need more convincing about the role that money plays in relationships you only need look at research done by Warwick University which found that men who lose their jobs can say goodbye to their wives. After interviewing 6,000 couples Professor Andrew Oswald found that "one of the strongest statistical findings is that the higher the man's income, the greater the chance of the couple staying together.

"Men among the top 20% of earners are 46% less likely to get divorced than those in the bottom 20%. But the sudden changes for the worse can have an enormous effect on a marriage. "Their partnership is more likely to end in the year afterwards. Unexpectedly harsh economic times can wreak havoc with the chances of staying together.

Kindly Note:
* It is not low income that does most of the damage. It is dashed expectations," said Professor Andrew Oswald.

*This isn't my original work.

Self- Inflicted Pain

Weekends especially Sundays are the day I prefer to do my laundry -after mass. I think of it as a way of bonding with my house and of course do some exercises  . I happen to appreciate having long nails and do what I can to ensure I grow and maintain them. Long nails and laundry however don't go hand in hand. During washing the nails will either break or leave scratches on my hands. The latter is what happened this weekend. I am therefore healing a self-inflicted wound that gave me a lesson to share with us all today.

See friends often times we do things that we so know well will cause us harm. I don't know whether it’s because we appreciate having pain or it’s just that we have never known true painless life. We know what we need to do to avoid harm/pain coming our way but we choose to do it anyway. Say unprotected sex, we know we can contract HIV or have an unwanted pregnancy but continue to indulge in it. We know unplanned spending will lead us to being broke before the month ends and we still do it anyway.  We know nails will scratch us when doing laundry and I still choose to keep them anyway.

Well the message is clear to us. If we chose to go into harm’s way let us be ready to deal with the consequences of our choices without troubling those around us.  As some would say you can't  have….cake something (I have forgotten, someone help me out)