Thursday, 8 October 2015

When There's Expansion and Contraction

From my science class back in primary school, I was taught that there are those materials that are good conductors of heat.The good conductors, will expand and contract based on the temperature they are subjected to. If you observe the electric wires in our dear motherland Kenya they conform to this theory. That is why sometimes they spark when they come together more so in the cold season. In fact human beings too are good conductors of current e.g electricity. If you don't believe me touch a live naked wire(at your own risk of course) 

In my view, Human-Life too has its varrying temperatures the key participants here being human beings. This means at different life temperatures people will expand and contract. For some during stressful situations they will contract while others will expand. Whatever the circumstance, the important thing for us to remember is that we have to adjust to the covering that fits us  during contraction or expansion in order to look neat. In addition, we need to appreciate that there are materials that will melt out when subjected to high temperatures others will break. There people who can't handle certain challenges as easy as others.

Just as the temperatures keep changing in a room so does life and human beings. We cannot continue to live in the same way we lived under different room temperatures. To be comfortable in life we must not be too rigid. We should be able to adjust to whatever situations life presents to us. We should also appreciate that different people have different levels of understanding. By so doing we live a much more comfortable and fulfilling life. 

Let us not be too rigid to life changing conditions. Let us learn to accept the change so that we can easily fit in and continue living a more fulfilled life. Think about it my friend.

May we all have wonderful evening and be blessed.

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