Saturday, 24 October 2015

From a Teacher to a Minister

Good morning my friends its truly a beautiful day that God has given to us. Waleopard is a trained teacher by profession and she has been brought up by a teacher too. Teachers are known to be strict with their children and well ,yes speaking, from experience mother raised me strictly. Some say i am very strict , now you know why. This means i respect teachers very much and this article doesn't mean i think less of teachers.

So anyway not too long ago i met a former colleague from a school I went for my teaching practise. Apparently he left teaching went on to be employed elsewhere and is now a minister thanks to the devolved system of government.It was great hearing the road he has travelled to be the person he is right now. Yes life has a way of presenting us with opportunities and it is those that grab it that move up the ladder. That is what i gathered from talking to my former colleague.
In addition I further got the insight in the truth that" usiwache mbachao kwa msala upitao"(Don't leave the toilet you used to help yourself dirty) Yes friends lets not look down on each other based on wherever someone is in the current. With dreams and visions to be improve oneself; people are able to soar higher. We all can be a different person from the person we are today. Taking and making the right choices today determines our tomorrow. Our today is our yesterday of tomorrow. It is what we are today that makes our future. So lets not be afraid to soar higher we can make a total transformation.

The former President Moi was a teacher before he became a president. I came to learn that the Late Njenga Karume started as a charcoal burner and seller. Let us respect and serve all people equally wherever we are placed to work. We do not know who they will be in the future neither do we know where our paths will cross next.

May God Bless us all.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

The Shoes Lesson

Since Friday last week, I have done nothing but reflect on how precious and fragile life is. I also thought about Heroes and Heroines in my life. All these reflections have made me spend time making new discoveries and taking bold steps towards things that I have wanted to do in a long time. Let’s just say I have forthwith decided to make a heroine out of myself and friends everyday. When all is over, in this new path, I pray the life I will have lived will have a story tell through the ups and downs I had to endure to see the end. Enough with the by the way speech.

Sometimes back, we decided to travel and discover Kenya and let’s just say instead of discovering Kenya, I discovered shoes I figured the place I was visiting would be easy so I put on my open shoes. In my thinking, the place was to be all conducive and therefore no need to wear all weather shoes. Now that was my biggest undoing. The cars got stuck as there were hips of dust. This was new to me; I always thought cars get stuck in muddy places. At some point we had to get out of the vehicle for it to make it easy for the cars to make it passed the hips of dust. That was when I discovered I wore the wrong shoes. Fortunately for me a friend had a spare pair of rubber shoes which she lent me for the trip. Later that weekend, I visited another place and the open shoes were appropriate for the terrain. This weekend when taking the shoes to the cobbler I reflected on the incidence and realised there was a shoe lesson, which I want to share with you today.

We would all want to save on costs and perhaps have this perfect shoe that we can wear and be comfortable in for different places and occasions. But you see friends truth is there is no perfect shoe that fits all places and conditions. Different shoes come into use during certain times. I looked at it from the people I have in my life. It would be so easy and with less emotional stress if we could have all what we need in one person. However this isn't practically possible to get. Different people will be there for us during certain times in our life. There will be places and times that however much we may wish to proceed with them, they are not meant to go with us that road. 

The lesson for me to understand was that if I am going to be comfortable during the journey of life, I need to know who exactly to take with me. Not all shoes will be for all terrains. Same way not all people I have interacted with in my life will be with me in my life journey. Certain times will call for people to go separate ways, not because the relationship was faulty, but because we are taking different roads. Hope it does make sense to you and that God can give us all a deep understanding to know which people to take during certain stages in our lives.

Happy #WCW.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

The Company called Life

Time and time again over the years God has granted me ,I have come to know that each day is a learning opportunity. Many of us don't take time to listen and give someone else time to speak and be heard. With such behaviour we are also not given the opportunity to be heard. The truth of the matter is that everyone has something to say and wants to be heard. In the company of Life any person every person qualifies for the position of CEO; but of your individual life company. Life is the only company in which we all have an opportunity to be top managers. As a top manager of any well performing company, thinking you can run the company on your own would be suicidal .At the same time thinking you can implement all ideas presented to the table is suicidal. 

In the company of life just like the other companies among us, we have to know how to prioritise activities and who will qualify to help in the running of the company. We need to identify competition and know how to eliminate it. We need to establish which mergers to form. As a top manager there will come a time when we need to lay off some staff in order to sow higher. Not everyone will be happy with the laying off but its life. There will come a time in our everyday running that we we'll need to make tough decisions. Decisions that will cause discomfort even to us. We cannot continue running our life in our comfort zones and expect to grow. We cannot continue to make the same mistake over and over again and expect different results. We need to realise that we may have the right goal but use the wrong strategy hence fail to attain our goals.

The important thing that each of us  needs to remember when running your company is ; you can either run your company into losses or profits. Regardless of where you are now realise you are in a good position to make a turn around for your company. The continuous running your company in losses is a decision that will require major turn around. If you need to take your life to better levels you'll need to ask yourself what you will need , who you will take and what you will do to ensure you get to high profit levels.

Hope you can take time to reflect on your life company to which you are the CEO with God being the executive Director. May God give us wisdom to hire the right people to work in our company of life.

God bless us all.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Reason for my Happiness

Sometime back a friend wrote and asked me how I am able to keep up a high spirit. She wanted to know if I ever have a dull moment in life. The shocking and surprising thing is that I didn't know that was the message I was sending out because in true sense when she was asking about my happiness I was going through the toughest moment in my life.

I will say it was the toughest because I am not looking forward to having tougher moments. The tough moments had come because I had allowed myself to care and love with attachment. See that time separating myself from those that I loved was really tough. I couldn't imagine losing a friend whom I had known for so long and who was like a sister to me. I couldn't imagine losing a friend who I had already imagined a life with. But you see that tough moment had a lesson for me and that is the lesson I need to share with you.

I realised that completeness will never come because of the moments I am able to share with my friends. I have always been complete in every sense of the world. I learnt to love freely without attachment. By this I mean understanding that each of those I love is complete in every sense of the world. They will and have always had a right to chose who they have in their life and this they can change when they so wish. 

I learnt that I should never tie my destiny with that of another. I learnt that though I may want friendship to extend to the children of my friends, that is nothing I can control. The best I can do is to pray that my children are able to find and make the right friends. I learnt that so long as something has a start it can always have an end. The only thing that has no definite start or end is God. He is the true ocean of happiness, love and peace.
No matter how much we draw from God, He never lacks in supply of love,peace and happiness. 

I also learnt that nature has a lot of things to teach me everyday. Each experience is always a lesson for me to learn. So there you are the reason for my happiness is God , learning to love without attachment and looking for a lesson for each experience I go through no matter how silly, obvious or difficult it may be.

Monday, 12 October 2015

Becoming an Expert at Something

Sometime back we had an expert of resource mobilising come to speak to a committee that had been set up to spearhead resource mobilisation at our work place to which I was a member. Over the weekend as I watched Jackie Chan series I couldn't help but marvel at the expertise of the actor. Not so long ago Kenya was privileged to have one of their daughters win an Oscar award and another ,my role model; Prof Wangari, win a Nobel Peace Prize. Many will agree with me that those who are identified as experts in certain areas are sort by many companies and offered huge amounts of compensation to entice them to join them. But were they born experts?

The answer is a big NO. They however made a decision to take the first step and worked each day on the area they are now experts in . The truth is that in life nothing comes automatically. We have to make the choice to go after that which we want. Each day we practise we become better at what we do. It is the urge to better our better that leads to us being best at what we do..We cannot continue admiring other people for what they have worked hard to be good at and just wish we can have their life. It is important to realise that no amount of wishing will make things happen for us. 

There is nothing like  automatic success. Its even said that a genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration., meaning we need to work smart to be that which we wish to be. Perhaps its time we took time to ask have I given up on my work and hence lost the chance to be an expert? If I am not taking the steps to teach myself, who will?

May we all be blessed and be given the wisdom we need to improve our day today living.


Thursday, 8 October 2015

When There's Expansion and Contraction

From my science class back in primary school, I was taught that there are those materials that are good conductors of heat.The good conductors, will expand and contract based on the temperature they are subjected to. If you observe the electric wires in our dear motherland Kenya they conform to this theory. That is why sometimes they spark when they come together more so in the cold season. In fact human beings too are good conductors of current e.g electricity. If you don't believe me touch a live naked wire(at your own risk of course) 

In my view, Human-Life too has its varrying temperatures the key participants here being human beings. This means at different life temperatures people will expand and contract. For some during stressful situations they will contract while others will expand. Whatever the circumstance, the important thing for us to remember is that we have to adjust to the covering that fits us  during contraction or expansion in order to look neat. In addition, we need to appreciate that there are materials that will melt out when subjected to high temperatures others will break. There people who can't handle certain challenges as easy as others.

Just as the temperatures keep changing in a room so does life and human beings. We cannot continue to live in the same way we lived under different room temperatures. To be comfortable in life we must not be too rigid. We should be able to adjust to whatever situations life presents to us. We should also appreciate that different people have different levels of understanding. By so doing we live a much more comfortable and fulfilling life. 

Let us not be too rigid to life changing conditions. Let us learn to accept the change so that we can easily fit in and continue living a more fulfilled life. Think about it my friend.

May we all have wonderful evening and be blessed.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Pimple on my cheek

Its red, painful and makes one cheek appear bigger than the other. The temptation to prick it is so present within me. Touching it i can feel its much swollen from the inside. Many of us have come to know pimples as a sign for other conditions within us. I am sure we all have a clue of what they mean ranging from stress to colds to hormonal disorganisation in our system.... What the sign represents, is never a pleasant feeling.

Looking at the practical part of it in our day today life we will recognise that,there are signs everywhere to warn us of the many occurrences in our life. However we are so quick trying to eliminate the sign instead of finding strategies to deal with that which is coming. The unfortunate thing is that when we eliminate the sign before its time to be in existence is done; we are left with spots that would have avoided. The feeling is always waiting till its ready and ripe like the pimple we will be asked too many questions or perhaps have to endure the embarrassment associated with the pimple.But in actual sense the short cut of pricking the pimple actually leaves a longer lasting mark compared to the time we would need to endure the pimple ripening.

Let us take time to appreciate the signs around us. Signs are not there to be eliminated but to help us prepare for that which is coming. Even in relationships, finances these signs are always there. Its the same reason that the weather man is warning us about the El-Nino rains. There are many that will chose to ignore the warning and deal with the consequences in high magnitude. 

Think about it Friends.

Wishing us all a lovely evening ahead.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Last Seen and Double Ticks Proof

For many of us whats app came as a blessing as it made communication cheaper and faster. For others however it has been the cause of many constant fights with those that we communicate with. One particular reason is because of the "last seen on, ability. I particularly would get irritated when I write someone a message and they don't respond and when I check the last seen it shows they saw my message and chose not to reply. They actually went ahead to introduce blue ticks to show someone actually read the message and decided not to reply.

You can call me a petty person but well it would bother me and to some point draw me to conclude I am a bother or the persons concerned is being totally disrespectful. There would be times I would bring it up and there would be times I would suffer in silence. Time came and I thought I deactivate my whats app account completely. But then it wasn't everybody that had annoyed me, so deactivating wasn't an option. And there it was a solution right there, Get rid of the last seen on my whats app. That way I don't get to see when someone last came on line and supposedly ignored my chat. I am now in total peace. Oh well and with the introduction of the blue ticks, I have learnt to tolerate people with their rude behaviour.

So lets talk real life. Many are the times we come across people who constantly annoy us. Oh well and for those that perhaps share houses, the room-mate does things that piss us off. Truth be its because we choose to focus on the thing that they do wrong. Or at times have something to constantly remind us we need to pick a fight. What I am saying to us is that if we can find a way to rid our self of the constant thing that prompts us to want to pick a fight lets not hesitate. Oh well and lets face it there will be times when we shall just have to "fold our tails" and realise that all animals were once wild animals and there are those that are just meant to stay in the wild and not become domesticated. Simply put there are those of us that will never change no matter how much we want or need them to change. If you need to experience change; work on your personal change and the benefits will be quicker and more fulfilling. 

Peace has never been gotten from others it has to come from ourselves. Its an everyday journey that will require us to make continuous adjustments in order to fit.