Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Knock knock on the Door

Yesterday was one of those days you plan to go home early and catch up on a series. Unfortunately, Kenya Power had other plans to keep me in darkness. The house was so quiet the only music i was hearing was of a child crying and its mother shouting. My phone was running out of charge so there was no way i was to listen to music through my phone. As i was waiting for my food to warm i heard a knock at the door. It was around 8 p.m so there was no way i was to open without asking who was at the door.

Those at the door said they are looking for house number 17 which i bluntly responded they check the next floor. One of them just clicked its like they wanted me to open despite my house not being house number 17. I thought they had left when i again heard a knock at the door. Now this time i was really getting irritated but there was no way i was going strangers to ruin my night. So i asked the name of the person they wanted. It wasn't my name and i didn't seem to know the person they were looking for. Reluctantly they left my door and sought help next door; where they were referred to the next floor.Today morning i reflected on the incident.

I thought of our day today life. The times we have information about the door we want but we keep insisting the wrong doors to open. We know the kind of spouse we want but we keep going after the wrong person who treats us ill. We know the way to do our job but we keep doing the wrong thing. We know that our happiness is our own responsibility but we keep expecting other people to give us happiness.

For how long are we going to waste time trying to open the wrong doors?What are we doing with the information we have on the door we are seeking? What would happen if we focused our energy on the door we are seeking? Think about it my friends.

Lord God thank You because Your doors are always open for us.Give us guidance and courage to go after the doors we seek. Give us the patience we need too. In Your Holy name we ask and believe. Amen

Wishing us all a lovely day ahead.

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