Saturday, 6 August 2016

"Flying" Stones

Good morning friends its cold in Nairobi ;lets keep warm. I wrote the article below some time back and didn't share, so here goes.

Yesterday i had class and got to town past 7.30pm. On arrival , we noticed cars diverting and moving in different directions. We had to alight as our driver needed to also move from danger. Yep stones were flying from one corner to another. I watched from far as hawkers and city council askaris engaged each other in a stone throwing contest. Its time the government invested in javelin i believe there are experts by now. :-) At some point it was "leg help me" , "kaguru ndeithia", as the hawkers advanced in our direction chasing the council askaris. This went on for about 20 minutes and shop owners closed shops. The citizens could only watch from far to keep away from the stones. I don't know who won but it was soon safe and i was able to go board a matatu home.

Which brings me to our real life application. There are times we need to stay calm and reflect on the stones that have been flying in our life. Stones that flew and because we were at the scene we got hurt. Talk of bad relationships its important for us to take a safe ground and watch the stones from far. By this i mean reflect on why we got hurt by the stones. Could be we rushed and well got hurt. Could be we walked carelessly. Could be we didn't know that stones are being thrown our way. Whatever it is lets take time to reflect on our lifes that we may move forward not backwards or remain stagnant.

If your relationship with people doesn't seem to go well take shelter and unravel the mystery why. If your work isn't going well take shelter and unravel the mystery why. If your business isn't going right take shelter and unravel the reason why.Its time we took charge of ourselves and realise that beyond God we are incharge of ourselves. Quit blaming other people when things go wrong each time. Lets learn also to take responsibility for our actions.

Lord thank You for this day and for our life. Guide us to always remember that we are incharge of our actions. May we walk right with you. In Jesus name. Amen

May we all have a blessed day.

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