Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Knock knock on the Door

Yesterday was one of those days you plan to go home early and catch up on a series. Unfortunately, Kenya Power had other plans to keep me in darkness. The house was so quiet the only music i was hearing was of a child crying and its mother shouting. My phone was running out of charge so there was no way i was to listen to music through my phone. As i was waiting for my food to warm i heard a knock at the door. It was around 8 p.m so there was no way i was to open without asking who was at the door.

Those at the door said they are looking for house number 17 which i bluntly responded they check the next floor. One of them just clicked its like they wanted me to open despite my house not being house number 17. I thought they had left when i again heard a knock at the door. Now this time i was really getting irritated but there was no way i was going strangers to ruin my night. So i asked the name of the person they wanted. It wasn't my name and i didn't seem to know the person they were looking for. Reluctantly they left my door and sought help next door; where they were referred to the next floor.Today morning i reflected on the incident.

I thought of our day today life. The times we have information about the door we want but we keep insisting the wrong doors to open. We know the kind of spouse we want but we keep going after the wrong person who treats us ill. We know the way to do our job but we keep doing the wrong thing. We know that our happiness is our own responsibility but we keep expecting other people to give us happiness.

For how long are we going to waste time trying to open the wrong doors?What are we doing with the information we have on the door we are seeking? What would happen if we focused our energy on the door we are seeking? Think about it my friends.

Lord God thank You because Your doors are always open for us.Give us guidance and courage to go after the doors we seek. Give us the patience we need too. In Your Holy name we ask and believe. Amen

Wishing us all a lovely day ahead.

Monday, 22 August 2016

Recharge to Transact

"Sorry your account balance is not sufficient to complete this request. Please top up and try again."

The above message came through my phone when i tried to send a message this morning. Apparently i have ran out of airtime and need to recharge my account. It costs one shilling to send a message but regardless of how much i have in my handbag it will not help me send my message. I need to buy credit and recharge my account in order to continue with my transaction. This got me thinking.

In life we reach a point of halt and our journey comes to a mark timing state. During those moments we may have people surrounding us with love but that doesn't seem to help us. Like the money in my bag i need to buy credit and top up my phone to continue with my transaction. An individual needs to realize that though they have people surrounding them. Their circles may not be the charge to continue the journey. We need to actually recharge ourselves.
We may have people telling us how good and blessed we are but it doesn't take us out of our misery. Until we ourselves recharge and see the blessings around us it will be pointless. Think about it.

Are you ready to recharge yourself? Which area do you feel you need a recharge to continue? What are you waiting for? Why do you think you are not good enough? If not you to improve your thoughts,who will?

Saturday, 20 August 2016

The Worry Antidote

Good Morning friends?

Do you find yourself worrying about your future ? Is your past haunting you and giving you sleepless nights ? Kindly read on this could rid you of this worrying.

I used to be this worrying freak. I would think of my past mistakes and just hate me. I would also find myself worrying about the future to a point that i lacked sleep. This was too much a burden it prevented me from living a happy life. Well friends this is now history. :-) :-)

Truth be no amount of worrying ever made things good for me. In fact it just made me sick. So i realised the solution isn't in worrying. I needed a permanent solution. And well like Isaac Newton the apple fell on my head and i came up with the law of ending worry and regrets.

"Guard your present because it is your future past that influences your future present ."

The law is simple. I cannot change my past but i can influence my future past and future present by making the right decisions in the present.

Look at it this way. If i eat healthy i will have no diseases related to poor diet in the future present . If i treat people right when i meet them in the future present i will not have enemies . However, If someone is a thief now they will worry about their  future because they will be in jail hence their future present may not be something to look forward to. If i waste all my money on cigars and drugs or alcohol, then in the future i have regrets about my past because in the future present i could be dying of cancer or have no savings for retirement.

Think about it my friends. If the law makes sense i am sure you will know what to do.

Wishing us all a worry free day. May we all be blessed by God Almighty.

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Proper Seeds.

Good morning friends. The other day i was watching shamba shape up.It's a program that educates us on improving farming through providing solutions to a farmer. So on this particular day the farmer was complaining of poor yield. When asked which seeds she used she said she uses seeds from her farm's produce.There was nothing wrong with the seeds but because she did not treat them before planting the yield was poor.

Which is what happens to us each day of our lives. We plant thoughts in our lives each second. It is said that the mind transmits millions of thoughts each day. However, we do not take time to treat our thoughts. Hence the reason we continue to languish in pain and have bad days. If we take time to treat our thoughts we shall yield and transmit positive energy. Lets not allow negative thoughts and complaining to dominate our thought garden (mind) The sooner we do this the better our lives become. The more happier and content we shall be hence have energy to forge ahead.

Lord Jesus thank You for the gift of life. Help us Lord to practice planting the right thoughts in our mind. Heal us all of any physical or emotional pain. We ask trusting and believing in Your Holy word. Amen

What have you planted in your mind so far?

Monday, 15 August 2016

The Power in Us

Ever had a week you struggle waking up? I have .Somehow the sleep seems too sweet to let go easy. In the morning when i am early I like alighting at a short distance further from work so that I can walk. When late , I normally board another bus to drop me at the gate to work. This was that day when I decided to take a bus to save on time. Before boarding the bus I always have to inquire the route they will use because there are two routes. We all know during school holidays the matatu's are many and most will be scrambling to get passengers. When I inquired from like three conductors they said they weere going to use a different route  I wanted. Stranded I went to board a matatu that was close to the stage only to get a rude reception from the stage managers,(so i thought). Madam, usituonyeshe vile tutafanya kazi, ( Madam don't show us how we will do our work) , shouted the conductor. And with that he slammed the door and told me to board the minibus as it would use my route, which I did. When I was almost arriving i I informed the driver to stop  but he drove past the stage and when I noticed this I quickly informed him i need to alight." Madam nimesikia nakushikisha"  he shouted back, the voice was familiar. The same man who I had an experience with earlier was the driver. I alighted feeling very agitated then I asked myself what I was doing and talked myself out of the agitation with a daily lesson.

You see my friends, there is so much going on in the world today and whether we like it or not we are in the world and have roles to play physically outward. We are bound to meet naturally rude people and see things that aren't right. However being physically there with all the drama doesn't mean we allow it to affect our inner world. We may not have control of the outer world but the inner world is our control. I had the option of holding on to the ill treatment I had gotten but I chose to maintain my peace. We need to always remember that we are in-charge of the reaction of other people's action. The driver went on and perhaps didn't know he was rude or if he knew he didn't care. If I continue to be angry at him I will have a bad day and give him too much power.

Always remember that when someone does something to you that isn't right. The power of it hurting you is in you. How long we continue to suffer over other people's ill or good treatment lies in our control. Why then do we continue to punish ourselves by taking in the outer world into our inner world?

Liberate yourself and experience peace.

Thursday, 11 August 2016

My Trash; Their Butter

Today is take the trash out day where I live. When I was taking out the trash, I had a deeper look at the trash and thought the lesson the trash could teach me. I wondered what would happen if i decided to keep the trash in my house and your guess is as good as mine; the house would become inhabitable due to the bad smell the trash would produce. At the same time those that carry the trash would be rendered jobless and perhaps not be able to feed their family. I also looked at the banana peels and remembered back at the village it is food for the cows. And there came my lesson for the day.

We may think life is unfair but truth be there are people that consider us trash and well some people are trash to us. Its a cold way to think but that is the truth of life's contraversy. Fortunately, all isn't lost because to others we are a treasure and those that we consider trash are a treasure to another. But there is a catch :)

If  we don't take the trash out, we shall continue living in stinking houses. Its important to have a day to take out the trash be it in form of people, thoughts , things e.t.c That is the only way we shall ensure we don't house gabbage in our heart, mind and house. It may sound cruel but some facts are better well said.

You are better of without some people in your life and at the same time don't force yourself to be in another person's life. Move on to a place where you will be a treasure and free yourself.

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Time of Service

Some time back I bought an electric kettle. I ensured I bought the best quality to last me a long time. Unfortunately , early this year the kettle couldn't heat water. I felt so much loss and even decided I wasn't going to buy any kettle again. That decision was not to last as boiling water with gas was too expensive. So yes I bought a kettle that had a slight accident today morning. I thought it had water and put it on only to realize it didn't later. I was so sure it had served me it's last but as fate would have it it's time of service wasn't over . I got a second chance to ensure I don't make such mistakes again and be more careful.

This kettle lesson gave me some deep insight on our bodies. See our bodies are houses for the soul. It's through the body that the soul comes to be seen. We don't see electricity but we know it flows through the vessels. Our bodies have limited time of service but our souls continue to live when the body can no longer function. Sometimes we have accidents with our bodies but since our time of service isn't over we continue to live. So yes we may want to live forever but our bodies have limited time of service. That gave me an explanation for death the loss is big & unplanned for. The important thing to remember the soul like electricity continues to flow and the body like the kettle is the one that departs from us.

Have a blessed day my friends
Hope it made sense.

Saturday, 6 August 2016

"Flying" Stones

Good morning friends its cold in Nairobi ;lets keep warm. I wrote the article below some time back and didn't share, so here goes.

Yesterday i had class and got to town past 7.30pm. On arrival , we noticed cars diverting and moving in different directions. We had to alight as our driver needed to also move from danger. Yep stones were flying from one corner to another. I watched from far as hawkers and city council askaris engaged each other in a stone throwing contest. Its time the government invested in javelin i believe there are experts by now. :-) At some point it was "leg help me" , "kaguru ndeithia", as the hawkers advanced in our direction chasing the council askaris. This went on for about 20 minutes and shop owners closed shops. The citizens could only watch from far to keep away from the stones. I don't know who won but it was soon safe and i was able to go board a matatu home.

Which brings me to our real life application. There are times we need to stay calm and reflect on the stones that have been flying in our life. Stones that flew and because we were at the scene we got hurt. Talk of bad relationships its important for us to take a safe ground and watch the stones from far. By this i mean reflect on why we got hurt by the stones. Could be we rushed and well got hurt. Could be we walked carelessly. Could be we didn't know that stones are being thrown our way. Whatever it is lets take time to reflect on our lifes that we may move forward not backwards or remain stagnant.

If your relationship with people doesn't seem to go well take shelter and unravel the mystery why. If your work isn't going well take shelter and unravel the mystery why. If your business isn't going right take shelter and unravel the reason why.Its time we took charge of ourselves and realise that beyond God we are incharge of ourselves. Quit blaming other people when things go wrong each time. Lets learn also to take responsibility for our actions.

Lord thank You for this day and for our life. Guide us to always remember that we are incharge of our actions. May we walk right with you. In Jesus name. Amen

May we all have a blessed day.

Friday, 5 August 2016

Unsealed Wounds and Blisters

Yesterday I decided to take a walk in the evening from work to the stage. Earlier in the week I had worn some shoes that caused some blisters. As I walked I could feel pain in my toes despite the fact the this was a different pair of shoe. Today morning I wore a different shoe and the strange thing is that my toes don't hurt as I walk. This got me thinking of our day to day life.

The common factor here is the wound or blisters. Many of us walk around with wounds caused by people in our hearts. We get different people into our life but still feel pain because we didn't take time to heal the wounds. No matter the person if we haven't healed pains from our past it shall still hurt. This particularly is applicable in relationships. We can't comfortably feel the comfort of a different shoe till we heal wounds from past.

It's not the shoe that has issues. It's our own wounds that keep reopening and the pain becomes fresh. Think about it today. What is this wound you haven't taken time to heal and prevents you from enjoying the comfort of the good things that come your way.

Have a blessed day.

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Never Try to Help Someone Unless they are Ready to be Helped

Until help is asked for, until there is that readiness to listen and receive and let go of old patterns, your attempt to help will be felt by the other as manipulation and control – as your issue, your need, not theirs. Defenses will go up, positions will become hardened, you will end up feeling frustrated and powerless, and the mirrored roles of ‘victim’ and ‘saviour’ will make you feel more disconnected from each other than ever.

How to truly help? Meet them where they are right now. Let go of your dream of their immediate healing. Slow down. Validate their present experience. Don’t try to impose your own agenda or assume what is ‘best’ for them. Perhaps you don’t know what is ‘best’. Perhaps they are more hardy, intelligent resourceful, and full of potential, than you ever could imagine.

Perhaps what is ‘best’ for them right now is not to want – or need – your help! Perhaps they need to suffer or struggle more. Perhaps they are aligning and healing in their own unique way. Perhaps what this moment requires is trust and deep listening, and profound respect of where they are in their journey. Perhaps you are only trying to help yourself. Perhaps real change comes not from trying to impose change on others, but by aligning with where they are right now, unlocking all the creative intelligence of the moment, honoring their unique path and their mysterious process of healing.

When you try to change someone, you are communicating to them that they are not okay as they are, that you reject and resist their present experience and want it to be different.You may even be communicating that you don’t love them .When you stop trying to change them, and meet them as they are, and align with life as it presents itself, great and unexpected change is then possible.

Stop trying to change others and they will change in their own way, in their own time.Perhaps you help the most when you get out of change’s way

~Original work by Jeff Foster~

Monday, 1 August 2016

A note in my Pocket

There are dates of the months that are harder than others, especially if you work for an employer who fluctuates the days they pay you. Its called the week of being broke. It was during one of those weeks I wore my jacket and found some money.   I was all smiles; you can't imagine the dance I did. How I couldn't remember the money and didn't notice the money while washing the jacket is still a mystery .To top it up the money didn't drop when I hanged the jacket .Well anyway, that treasure ensured I could afford to do some few things here and there that I had postponed. Suddenly I was feeling rich

This brings me to our real life application. Some of us have treasures within us that we do not know about. Treasures to be great parents , spouses , employees , business men , preachers ..... However its not yet time for us to possess those treasures. God is still molding us so that when we finally get the treasures they will save us in a nick of time. They will be real treasures valued highly. Like my hidden note they will enrich us. This is not the time to have regrets or to give up soon we will reach out and find our hidden note.Keep hope alive.

Lord Jesus we thank You for enabling us to see this new week. Thank You for creating us and installing treasures in us. Forgive us Lord for the times we have been doubtful of your word. Give us strength to fight on and guide us that we may walk in the direction of our hidden treasures. In Jesus name we ask and believe. Amen

May we all be blessed more  this month.

Terms and Conditions Apply

Good morning friends and happy new month to us all. I am wishing us all God's favor and provision in the new month. August in Kenya usually marks the last month so that we usher in the warm month, September. I came to learn that we have four seasons from my Geography class. One thing i am certain that is common in all those seasons is that there is light and darkness ; or what is commonly known as day and night.

Looking at our real life situations we experience different seasons in our life time. Seasons of laughter, sadness, plenty , lack , love , hate,... The common thing in all those is that like the seasons of climate ,there is bad and good that manifests itself during each season. As humans we are charged with the choice to know what to focus on ,good or bad , and the terms and conditions will apply. If we choose to focus on the bad we will live a life of misery and despair. If we focus of the good ,we will live a life of joy and happiness. Whichever you choose always remember terms and conditions apply. The choice is an individual's.

Lord Jesus thank You for reminding us that there is a time for everything and everything good or bad has a reason. Thank You because You continue to be with us through all our seasons. Give us the endurance we need and help us to focus on the good of all the seasons we experience and learn from them.In Jesus name we pray and believe. Amen.

May we all have the right focus and be blessed this month.