Monday, 6 October 2014

A crack in my Cup

I am a lady who loves to drink hot water in the office. Don't ask why, but well because its healthy and good remedy to lose weight. So anyway I have my special cup which I use in the office for my drinks. My cup and I have established a bond and I don't feel at ease using other cups.

Unfortunately for me the other day I poured hot water into the cup and the water leaked. My cup had a crack not a serious one but well I couldn't use it to take my tea or hot water anymore. As much as it hurt I had to throw it in the bin and get a cup that would serve me as well.

Today I thought about this situation as I looked at another cup whose handle broke . I however decided to keep and use it to store my utensils super brite. I didn't see how else I would use the cup in the office hence I threw it away.  The reality that hit me was so hard for me to put in writing and I can tell you I have really struggled to write this piece.

This was my revelation- we are cups too in our day to day lives. We are useful to those that are in our life for a certain purpose. However time comes when we crack and no longer perform the task those that have had us need us to perform. As harsh as it may sound well we often get thrown in the dustbin and in this case we get kicked out of their life.

Its never that they mean to be rude but they need a functioning cup (person). Well that is why we are actually sent home on retirement. The cup I threw isn't useless if anything it can be used to keep coins or even plant a seedling but it can't perform the task it once did.

The message that came to me is that when its clear one isn't wanted the best thing is to move on to another and you will find one that needs you. The same is true for jobs. The broken cups are collected and remade into new cups. Same way sometimes we need to remould ourselves to fit into previous tasks or embrace new roles all together.

I hope this message has made sense to you. It was really a hard one for me to swallow but I received it well and thought I share

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