Monday, 20 January 2014

Thoughts of Expiration

Someone asked me this morning where i get my inspiration from. Sometime back if this question was posed to me , I don't think i would have had an answer. Lets just say i was just living; going about my duties just as life expected me to. Actually there was a timetable of what to do at a certain time. Someone somewhere used to make decisions for me.But you see as time passed the timetable was no longer there. There was no routine to follow as dictated by another. I grew up and started living on my own. So now an inspiration was needed.
 There have been times when I needed motivation. I tried to look at my mother so that she would motivate me. She did a good job but there would be times when I needed the inspiration but she too needed it and it wasn't possible for her to inspire me. I turned to my friends and you see the story was the same. I turned to my job but then that too didn't work for me.

So I called me, myself and I for a meeting to deliberate on life. As the three of us sat I realized that the only things that are constant in my life was myself and God. This meant if i was to remain inspired and not run out of inspiration I had to draw it on the only two constant things in my life; God and myself. We have friends but as hard as it is to accept they too have a life to live and may not be always there for us. So yes I made a decision to inspire myself. Each day I take it upon myself to think positively and ask God to guide me.

It sounds easy when said but believe me its not . There will be times when i feel so down needing some wise words to cheer me on and as hard as it is I make the decision to change my focus. I make a decision to choose and think right. The reason most of us walk expired instead of inspired is because we encourage thoughts that are expired within ourselves.

You will never get a good job, You are not smart, You are a failure, You are Alone , You are not good enough. How about you start inspiring yourself instead of taking yourself to expiry. Last i checked we never go to the supermarket to buy expired things. So Why should you continue to encourage expired thoughts?

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