Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Could it be Because you are Rusty?

Sometime back i was asked to collect some data at work then analyze it. During that time i was given the task i didn't know how to go about the task. After i had gathered all the information i needed it was time to put it in summation and come up with figures that would help draw some inferences on. Previously, I had used excel but not in the magnitude that the work required me to be knowledgeable on. Lucky for me Google provided answers on various functions on excel to simplify my work. That was like a year ago. Today morning i needed to make a template to aid in data input and this proved a difficult task.

I had not used the functions on excel since the last task and with that become rusty. I needed a refresher course to make a good template. Functions that i had mastery on proved difficult to configure today. It was a frustrating exercise but i was finally able to see where i was going wrong after trying several times.

Which brings me to today's lesson for the day. In life there are things we learn and spend so much time on to get. However , the more we do not use the skills the more we become rusty. Talk of showing those we love how much we love them. If we don't remind ourselves how it is loving someone we shall become rusty in love. Even driving if we don't practice and remind ourselves how to drive our skills deteriorate.

Married people need to remind themselves how to love each other or their love will become rusty. In most areas if  we don't spend time reminding ourselves of how we acquired or learned the good, we shall become rusty and lose that which we acquired. Has your relationship become rusty because you stopped doing those fun things? Has your body become rusty because you stopped doing the things that revitalize you? Think about it.

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