Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Break the Monotony

Sometime back i bought a carton of biscuits which i carry to take my 10am tea at work. When i bought them they tasted really good and it was hard controlling myself from just eating a packet of four pieces. The carton is almost done and today finishing one packet seemed too big a task. The taste too wasn't appealing. Guess i have gotten used to eating the same thing each day that my taste buds are resisting them. So this will mean next time i am going shopping i will have to look for a different brand of biscuits to break the monotony that those i have has given me.

Which brings me to our day today life application. Call me a dreamer but this i know is the case for ,majority us.The first time we do something we get really excited and are eager to learn it. However as we continue to do the same thing each day it becomes monotonous and boring. Even when we cook a new meal it is sweet but if the same meal is cooked and served in the same way it isn't as tasty to eat as when we did the first time. Economist call this diminishing marginal returns to scale.

My question therefore comes in relationships. Why is it that these days extra marital affairs have become so rampant? Could it be because the married continue to do the same thing over and over again and hence become bored with monotony? Why is it that relationships seem not to last long and lead to marriage? Could it be because we don't find things that we can do to make our relationships more fun?

What would happen if one Christmas you decided to go on a second honey moon with your spouse? How about taking some classes as a couple say cooking classes? Just to find new meaning to your relationship. How about trying out a new hair style to change the look your husband sees each day? How about taking her on a date as if you are dating her the first time?

Well,call me a dreamer or an idealist but the truth is monotony is boring. Until we learn to break the monotony every once in a while we will keep hopping from one partner to another thinking we will get something new. Yes we will get a new thing but it soon becomes boring and we shall keep moving. But if we work on doing things different out of our normal zones we will be amazed at the how much fun we can have a couple. What the hell go for dance lessons together. Let the kids go stay with grandma for some time..........Hmmm yes i am a dreamer and i do know dreams do come true. What is this fantasy you have never fulfilled? When do you think you will ever achieve it if not now? Life is short and precious. Lets use what we have to make a heaven right here on earth.

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