Thursday, 19 December 2013

Whole to Broken now Complete

Double favor has been favored a little bit more than she was same time last year and well its time for some wardrobe adjustment. I have always loved having an outfit custom made for me and i have been lucky to get a tailor who makes me proud. As for designs well anything that comes to mind and is decent in my definition i will have it made because i am sure i will not see it with another in town.Talk of wanting to be unique from the rest.. So anyway recently i went got some material to make some outfits and took them to the tailor. We settled on the proper design and i was to go pick them in two weeks time. Unfortunately when i went to pick the clothes my tailor had lost his father and i only saw several pieces of my material. Looking at the pieces it was hard for me to imagine it turning to a great outfit i had designed. Yesterday when i went to collect my outfits they were a perfect fit. Something to rock me up in style for sometime.

When i got home i wore the outfits again and appreciated the way i looked in them. I am a lady who takes time to appreciate herself because if i don't no one will. I believe the first compliments should come from me.As i wore the outfits i thought about everyday life and this was what i likened my experience to.

We were all made whole when we were born as human beings. But you see in our whole self we cannot bring out the look that God would want for us. Hence the reason we are broken into various pieces. We go through situations and experiences that we cannot make sense of. But you see that breakage is necessary if we are going to be made into the outfit that God designed us when we were whole for. So whatever you are going through always remember its so that you can come out as God designed you to be. Just as i had to make the design for my outfit first, God knows the final product of you so keep hope alive. 

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Break the Monotony

Sometime back i bought a carton of biscuits which i carry to take my 10am tea at work. When i bought them they tasted really good and it was hard controlling myself from just eating a packet of four pieces. The carton is almost done and today finishing one packet seemed too big a task. The taste too wasn't appealing. Guess i have gotten used to eating the same thing each day that my taste buds are resisting them. So this will mean next time i am going shopping i will have to look for a different brand of biscuits to break the monotony that those i have has given me.

Which brings me to our day today life application. Call me a dreamer but this i know is the case for ,majority us.The first time we do something we get really excited and are eager to learn it. However as we continue to do the same thing each day it becomes monotonous and boring. Even when we cook a new meal it is sweet but if the same meal is cooked and served in the same way it isn't as tasty to eat as when we did the first time. Economist call this diminishing marginal returns to scale.

My question therefore comes in relationships. Why is it that these days extra marital affairs have become so rampant? Could it be because the married continue to do the same thing over and over again and hence become bored with monotony? Why is it that relationships seem not to last long and lead to marriage? Could it be because we don't find things that we can do to make our relationships more fun?

What would happen if one Christmas you decided to go on a second honey moon with your spouse? How about taking some classes as a couple say cooking classes? Just to find new meaning to your relationship. How about trying out a new hair style to change the look your husband sees each day? How about taking her on a date as if you are dating her the first time?

Well,call me a dreamer or an idealist but the truth is monotony is boring. Until we learn to break the monotony every once in a while we will keep hopping from one partner to another thinking we will get something new. Yes we will get a new thing but it soon becomes boring and we shall keep moving. But if we work on doing things different out of our normal zones we will be amazed at the how much fun we can have a couple. What the hell go for dance lessons together. Let the kids go stay with grandma for some time..........Hmmm yes i am a dreamer and i do know dreams do come true. What is this fantasy you have never fulfilled? When do you think you will ever achieve it if not now? Life is short and precious. Lets use what we have to make a heaven right here on earth.

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

The Begining Doesn't Represent the Flow and End

Water had disappeared from our plot over the last two days. I am so used to having running water when i get to the house.Yesterday evening there was water flowing from the kitchen tap but not from the bathroom tap. Luckily, today when i woke up there was water flowing in all taps and i was back to my happy fish self. After breakfast, it was time to brush my teeth then leave the house.When i went to use the sink and i opened the tap the water that came out was brown in colour. But after several drops had flowed down the drain it was clear for me to use.

Thinking about it i couldn't help but think of our day today life. The tap was so significant to the times we are so down and will get all kinds of dirt around us. Some people will even write us off but you see the fact of the matter is time will flow and clear all the dirt that had gathered and we produce good clean things for those around us. About the water when we are starting something it always seems so dirty and the efforts we put seem useless. But you see the dirt has to clear for purity to begin flowing. If its a business we will have to get to know about its ways before we can reap harvest.

If its relationships we will have to disagree before we can agree. Let us not look at the beginning of things happening around us to represent the end . There is more to life than the beginning. Like someone says where a man's finishes isn't determined by the starting point (I don't know if those are the exact words). The beginning might be rocky but the end will be smooth. May God give us courage to start, grace to continue and wisdom to finish. Have a blessed day.

Monday, 16 December 2013

Your spouse is a Luxury

Today while in the office a colleague came and out of the blues we started debating about relationship matters.  He was of the opinion that every man needs a woman and every woman needs a man according to the African nature. I find it really interesting how many of us will want to hide along "African-ism" Many in arguments will pick out bits of African culture without knowing why they were practiced during that time. Some African practices were done because they fitted the time and conditions for that time. Say wearing skin as clothing. In this modern times that would be seen as not normal.

In our discussion we went on to talk on how many of us spend their life time moving from one relationship to another in the hope to find happiness. I was of the opinion that each of us was created complete and doesn't need a spouse to discover who they are. If you are waiting till you are married to find happiness or if you are married and running around searching  for happiness, you shall not find that which you seek. Yes a spouse should be a luxury. A luxury is something that one can do without , its there to bring you happiness but shouldn't be your only source of happiness.

Many of us once we get into relationships, forget who we are and instead live the life of our spouses. Getting married doesn't mean giving up on the person you were meant to be. That my friend will be the source of unhappiness. If we are not living the life our spouse wants for us we are busy trying to control them to fit in our schedule. So what happens when the spouse is no longer there to tell us how to live our life? What happens when our spouse is no longer there for us to control? Our life comes to a halt isn't it?

Is that how it was meant to be? Shouldn't we continue living our life with or without our spouse? None of us needs another to complete them. We are complete on our own. So the sooner  we realize that our spouse is there to spice things in our life and not to be the main dish the happier we shall be. We will be able to liberate each other when we are in a relationship and not tie each other.

Saturday, 14 December 2013

The Hard Cover of a Wound

For some reason the last three months i have fallen more times than i did while growing up. Blame it on some medicines i was given that have affected my balance.Not so long ago while coming from class i fell and hurt my knee. The fall was so bad that despite being in trousers i got a wound and had to limp for sometime.The good thing is that a day after a hard covering had formed on it. Over the days it was so itchy and sometimes without knowing i would scratch it off and the process of healing would begin all over again.

I decided to ignore the itch and over the weekend i noticed the hard cover was no longer there and the pain i was feeling was gone. The wound healed and the cover fell off on its own. When i stopped paying attention to the wound it was able to heal on its own and quickly.

That is how life is everyday. In our life we have had wounds made from various falls. Some wounds that we probably thought we were well protected from but the protective gear we wore didn't protect us and we ended up with a wound. There are times the wound itches and well we go ahead and itch it only to make a fresh wound. If that wound is ever going to heal we need to forget about it. For a relationship that ended up badly to heal, we must cut links with the person involved. Continuous communication with the parties involved only makes a fresh wound and we continue to hurt.

For how long are you going to continue making a fresh wound from a fall that happened years ago. Believe me the top hard cover that formed on the wound is a healing mechanism. The tears you once cried over the person that hurt you were a healing cover. The more you continue uncovering the wound the more tears you will continuously shed. Think about it. Who are these people you keep in your life that continue to hurt you? How long are you willing to suffer from an open wound.? The decision is yours to make.

Monday, 9 December 2013

It was Arsenal now its Manchester United

Before i proceed with this article i wish to put a disclaimer. I am only a supporter of one team only and its the best team regardless of how badly the media reports them...please read on. Over the years i have had to contend with hearing about football. Time and time again many meetings have had to be put off or post poned over a football match; and you wonder why i support my team SMH. 

Yesterday evening when i heard in the news that there was a Manchester United fan who killed himself i got really shocked. However this morning when they were reading the results in the English premier league i understood why. Apparently the team currently in position one is Arsenal while its bitter rival Man U comes a distant ninth position. In as much as I only support Harambee stars i have for a long time known that Man U always shine. But you see that was in the past it didn't matter to the Man U fan that they have been winners in the past. What has been happening is the present mattered most to him. Just in the same way that on previous games that Arsenal lost a fan killed himself he was living in the present. If only he could arise from his grave today to see how his team has risen.But seriously i still don't understand the emotions attached to football.

My question thus remains, if what matters is the present , why do we continue to judge others based on their past. From the Man U and Arsenal experience the best example is presented to us. One can rise from failures to success and the vice versa is true. If it hurts Man U  fans to be losing and have forgotten about their glorious past, why can't we forget our past and live in the present.What is this baggage from your past that you continue to carry with you? How long are you going to continue allowing it to haunt you in the present?

Too much load on the Hanger

When i first moved out of my mother's house , I bought items that i needed for my house some of which included hangers. Over the years i have been using the same number of hangers without replacing new ones. I buy new clothes but not new hangers. So yesterday night i heard something fall but figured i was dreaming and went back to sleep. This morning when i was looking for an outfit to wear i was able to complete my noise puzzle for the night. One of the hanger broke and all the clothes fell down. The weight of the hanger was too much for the hanger to contain.Now i can no longer use the hanger.

Thinking about the incident this morning and applying it too our real life. This were my thoughts. Like the hanger, most of us have been carrying baggage in our life. Without realizing it, the load keeps getting bigger and bigger as we meet new people and go through situations  in our life.We forget we are only human not super human. At some point we will reach our peak and have a breaking point. Breaking points in our body systems are manifested through sicknesses .

Truth be majority of the illnesses we have today are being caused by us wanting to carry so much on our shoulder. Its important for us to realize that as we take in new stuff in our life we need to let go of the old baggage. The continuous harboring of pasts which we cannot alter hinders us from enjoying our present. Since we cannot buy new clones of ourselves we may as well let go of baggage.May we all be wise enough to let go of baggage so that we may not reach the breaking points which may be beyond repair. May God bless us all.

Friday, 6 December 2013

Everything To Loose

Lately i seem to have too much sleep and i keep waking up past the minutes that will ensure i am at work on time. I am guessing it has everything to do with the festive season. Today i woke up rather late but it wasn't a big deal because it was a day for all staff meeting. When i got to the stage instead of taking my walk i thought i was better taking a bus to save up on time. Unfortunately the bus i boarded didn't seem to fill up so i alighted and boarded the one that seemed to be filling faster. All this i did in the hope that i will save up on time.

In addition, I ensured i informed the conductor of my drop of center.This was because sometimes they use a different route and the conductor guaranteed me that they would use my route. Unfortunately for me, the driver used a different route and i had to alight and walk to work. The distance was longer than the normal walking distance. Instead of saving on time i was more late and arrived work feeling tired. The funny thing was that when i was at the entrance of the gate the bus that i had initially boarded was arriving at the gate too. I didn't save on time if anything i had more to lose.

Which brings me to our day today life. Everyday we are faced with circumstances that warrant us to be patient. However majority of us want to do things in a rush sometimes breaking rules and regulations. Thinking we will save on time we end up loosing more than we were hoping to save on. What would happen if we all exercised patience in what we do? Think about it today. What is the thing that you did in so much haste and you ended up losing? How much more are you going to continue losing because of your impatience.

Have a patience filled Friday evening.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

The Annoying Ring Tone

Like every other day when i get to the office, i sit at my desk and plan for the day's activities. Today was no different only that i needed to settle in faster because i came in late. I was working on some documents when i heard a some loud song playing in the other office. I was about to ask my colleague to tone it down only to realize it was actually her phone ringing. Minutes after, I heard another sharp noise and i was sure its another phone ringing. Sitting at my desk i wondered how these people were able to stand such ring tones. Then it dawned on me, i too have a ringtone. Could it perhaps be annoying to them as theirs was?

The truth of life is that we all have different tastes and preferences. In as much as we are all humans we all produce different results when called upon. To some the way in which we do our things is annoying and if they had the chance they would perhaps do an alteration to suite them. But then again they are not the true owners of our body.The phone owners get to decide the kind of ringtone they want to use on their phone. This is the same way we have all been given the power to live life doing different things in life. While some might be big bodied taking up much space in the bus they cannot be trimmed to the size we want. While others may be high pitched in talking we cannot put something to lower their vocal cords.

Not everyone we meet will be like we would want. The important thing to remember when we are finding fault in others is that we too have our own faults that others find annoying. All we need to do is tolerate each other and accept that we all can't produce the same ring tone.

Have a day filled with tolerance for each other. 

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Finally I Find my match

Some time ago i bought a dvd player that could support a USB. It was tested at the shop and was in good condition. I figured its time i got myself many movies and music all saved up and bought a hard drive. While downloading i ensured i converted them to the mp4 version just so that my dvd would play. However when i got home my dvd could not play the music on the hard drive. I took it to our ICT expert at work who told me to try a powered drive which worked well with my DVD player. He also tried playing the music using his electronic but it just didn't play.

I felt cheated and conned after i had spent so much money buying a hard drive. I took it back to the shop but they told me that its not possible to get a refund and even if i got the problem was not the drive it was the strength of the DVD player. I tried to get someone to buy the drive and when it seemed i was going to go at a loss i decided to keep the drive and store my documents. When mum did an upgrade of her TV and saw it had a USB port i tried it out but it just wouldn't read too. I thought to myself i just have to stick to watching movies saved on my laptop.

Two years down the line since i bought the drive i decided to upgrade my television and bought one with a USB port. So yesterday i remembered i hadn't tried my drive so i carried it home just for the sake. I had completely given up on my drive. Shock on me my TV and drive worked so well together. Finally i Find my match. Now i am watching movies, playing music and viewing photos from my drive on my TV. It was worth the wait.!!!

Applying this to real life, i choose to speak to all single people out here. Some of us have all necessary qualities to make a good spouse. Like my drive we have met a DVD player that is of a lower power which cannot handle our strength. Some have thought that being with other people's spouses will get us to work only to find we still aren't compatible. This has resulted to giving up on meeting our match. But the fact of the matter is our match like for my drive is out there. With patience and time we will soon find each other. Like my drive the single persons' should have hope in finding the electronic that can handle our strength. Yes my friends s/he is out there somewhere. Keep doing that which you got to do. Like i was using my drive to store movies which i can now watch gather all you will need for the time you will be married. When your match comes you will surely be glad you waited.!!!!

Monday, 1 July 2013

The Disease "T.B" Caused BY Smoking The Cigar "S.M"

Apparently majority of us are suffering from a disease called T.B being brought by smoking a cigarette called S.M, words from our priest some time last year during mass. Kindly read on.

In Kasarani a young girl was born and it was all joy because although there had been other grandchildren before her she was the only female born. It was jubilation all round. Her parents were both working professionals doing great in their fields. She and her brothers lacked nothing. It was soon time to join school and her cousin was the one who enrolled her to school. Both her parents had been sent to work overseas. After school it was the house help to pick her up. One day while in school a boy lifted her dress up; to see what she had different from his. She cried, told her teacher about it and the boy was told never to do that again.

When she got home she went on to tell her mother about the incidence but her mother sent her away and asked the house help to take her to the shop to buy ice cream. This was just to get her off her back because she needed to finish some pending office work. She joined primary school and in no time a teenager who earned her first love letter. With the excitement she thought to tell her father about it but her father had never spent any time with her talking about life,so she shoved the idea of telling any of her parents. She instead told a friend who told her how lucky she was.The admirer, a fellow classmate, and girl went on to explore this love. They met secretly and since she had access to all, soon the two were watching pornography and practicing what they saw. She became a woman even before she had her period. When she did, become a woman, her mother wasn't there to tell her what that meant .She instead went on to her friend who advised her what to do.

The two teenagers joined high school, met on holidays and yes they had sex with every chance they got. When she went back to school ,during the usual pregnancy test, she had to be sent home because she was pregnant. At home none of her parents was there so she told their house help what befell her ; with that they agreed it was best to abort the baby. The house girl made a concoction and gave her to drink. Unfortunately something went amiss and it was pain all over.She had to be rushed to hospital but since she had bled to too much was pronounced dead few minutes after arrival.

Remember her boyfriend; his parents weren't there for him either so when he learned of her death ,traumatized and stressed,he confided in a friend.His friend advised him on how to forget his problems; yes b hang was the solution. He was feeling on top of the world and felt invincible. During the holidays on an exploding session, he took his parents car went driving while high on b hang. What followed was an accident that crippled him.

So i ask is money really everything? What will you forgo to ensure you have it always? How much is enough really? What do you value most? I once read that listen to the small stories your small child wants to tell you because to them they are big that way they will tell you the big things when they grow up.

How much longer do we want to suffer from this disease TB- Too Busy - because we continue to smoke this cigar called SM - Sina Muda (I Don't Have Time)? You decide.

Lord in heaven we need Your help. Teach us to set our priorities right and our values. Give us peace. Amen

Have a thought filled day.