Thursday, 26 March 2020

Surviving Financial Corona Crisis

It is no secret, Corona Virus has brought about many financial challenges. I have always been of the view that where there is a will there's always be a way. I also believe that limitations start in the mind. If one can position themselves with the right thoughts they can survive through any hardship. Let's disect the financial challenges being experienced by  the employed population.

Let us begin with those that have gotten their full salary this month. What does this person need to do to avoid being wasteful? Especially if this person is working from home. The first thing they need to do is a budget.  In this budget they need to set aside money for the expenses they would have incurred and put the money  in  an  emergency account. This  will be important for them to do so as not to be wasteful in spending it all on food while staying in the house. This will ensure when they are abruptly called back to work they will have cash to spend on their day to day movement. It also cushions them from future cuts which may be made by their employer.

Let's talk of those who have had to take pay cuts. How does such a person maintain financial sanity during this period. Here are simple steps:
 1. Write down all cost items you had before Corona. List them all even outings and support to friends for weddings, child birth and graduation. As you list let them,  input the amount normally spent on each.
2. Categorise the cost items in order of needs and wants.
3. The needs will be met by the income that you now have. Post pone the wants to later when you have full salary.
4. If you have a family with children have a sitting with them to explain why they can't have as many snacks as they use to.
5. Since there is minimal or no movement, I suggest one puts on hold purchasing things like clothes and shoes.
6. On a normal period I would suggest moving into a cheaper house but this would not be an option to give. This is because of the hassle involved in moving houses and even looking for a house. I would however suggest negotiating with your landlord on a later payment plan and have it in writing. In addition, a new house will need a deposit.
7. Negotiate with your employer to work one week home and the other in the office where possible. This will not only cushion you financially but also health wise.

In summary must  haves of survival include:
1. An open mind to see hope in the face of calamity.
2. Realistic budget and one that is adhered to.
3 A family crisis meeting to ensure all members of the household ( the nanny included) understand on the need to be economical with their use of household items.
4. Find a way to negotiate with creditors who range from landlords to loaners.

It's not as bad as we are making it. Things will look up. I believe God is in control. We are learning to be humans once and it's time to just slow down. We are learning what is really important.

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

A Virus More Dangerous than Corona

All around the world the news that is current is Corona Virus. We have been given clear instructions: wash your hands with soap and running water, sanitize your hands, keep social distance, self quarantine  for 14 days if have traveled from a foreign country and stay home. I hope I have exhausted the most basic of the instructions. While many have complied, few have not complied and it's causing the spread of the virus. While South Korea has patient number 31 , Kenya has 2 patients whose actions could increase the numbers affected. They are very guilty , right?

They are guilty of not following instructions. I would say their moment of weakness has been very costly and deadly not just for themselves but the lives of others. What these persons have done is costly and deadly. It got me thinking.

The cost of not heeding to instructions before the virus came. It's been "killing" people at a faster rate than the Corona Virus. Many of us are guilty of spreading a virus more severe than Corona. We do it out moment of weakness and selfishness. We want everything for ourselves regardless of who gets hurt.

We married but we want to have extra marital affairs that cause pain and destroy families. We have affairs and children grow up without the care and protection of both parents. We go around spreading rumours about others just because we want a promotion. We overlap on the road because we are in a hurry and perhaps think we are important than others and cause accidents. We exchange bitter and harsh words that kill the inside of a person. We get into positions of authority and abuse that authority. We are put in-charge and instead of taking only what is ours we steal from those who entrusted us to lead them. We throw waste carelessly when there are bins everywhere.

My thoughts are before we cast a stone at those who have been guilty of spreading Corona Virus; knowingly or unknowingly how about we reflect on the instructions we have not followed. How about we sanitize our hearts. How about we isolate ourselves from bitterness, revenge , unhealthy competition and all things that cause pain in others. How about we teach ourselves to be human again. I believe if we can teach ourselves with our family during this period once all this is done we shall be better persons upon returning to our normal lives.

Monday, 16 March 2020

Its Never about Logical Reasoning

I used to be one to seek a logical understanding for everything. As a person being in control of my life meant a lot. I wanted to plan for my future. I wanted to graduate, get a job and finish giving birth at 32 years. I had it all planned out. When marriage and babies wasn't coming through I decided to go back to school and further my studies just so as to secure my future.  Well I am yet to graduate 9 years later and got my first born at 32 years. 

God has a good sense of humor.

It's not until recently that everything dawned on me.  
I wasn't able to finish 8-4-4 system (primary to high school to university) because I read more than others. It's Gods grace. God knows there were classmates who read more than I did. There were those who graduated with 2nd class lower and are earning higher than many of us who graduated with 1st class or 2nd class upper. There are many who didn't make it to campus via Joint Admissions Board and now have doctorate degrees. God's favor located them. God's favor has located me that that is why I presently have a family and a job. I say presently because He decides what I keep.  Favor locates and positions us all and differently and at different times.  This happens so that we never forget God exists. There are many more who didn't make past primary school and are top business people. There are many with children but lack fees to take them to school. Many married , living a comfortable life and can afford fees for their children but they don't have children.

For the Christians, the Bible says the wisdom of human beings isn't greater than the foolishness of God. God gave humans ability to create and unfortunately they are creating things which are destroying them. All these diseases, wars and calamities are with us because humans have turned away from God. We don't see each other as God's creation. It's no wonder a brother will kill a brother or parent over land. We loot billions for ourselves at the expense of health for millions of people. Why won't the calamities become a reality? We want to control the future by looting from each other. God placed us in this world with a purpose and He equips us based on the purpose we are to fulfill for His glory not our glory. 

I am not saying don't put effort and wait on God. I am saying put effort but acknowledge He is the one that brings everything to fall into place. We need to praise God through all seasons of life. It can be particularly difficult when we are facing low seasons in our life and use human wisdom to understand them. We forget God is present in all seasons. Calamities are caused by human beings not God. We however need God to rescue us from our own wisdom which is foolishness in all true sense.

Take the current times we are living in. We have flown people outside our country to get specialized treatment.  Presently no country has the cure for the Corona Virus. Today no money will fly you out of the country when you have Corona Virus. I highly doubt any country will take you in as a foreigner just because you have money.  God is the *ONLY* one to bring healing to the whole world. Of course He will come through for us through a research breakthrough. As we go about doing all we can to prevent ourselves from contracting the virus let us remember all that is useless without God. As we go about inspecting all buildings to avoid terrorist attacks, let us remember its useless without God.

It is God who will rescue us from our own human wisdom which in all sense is foolishness that continues to bring destruction to the earth. It is God who will open the minds of researchers to find cure for this virus. Same way that He opened cure for other viruses. It is God who puts solutions into human beings for the problems they bring upon themselves. God is the reason beyond the reasoning. God is the logical reasoning.

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

For What Reason did you Get Married?

I don't know your thoughts on marriage but my thoughts have always been it's for life. However, things seem to have changed and divorce cases have been on the rise. Many hypothesis exist.  A common one is this generation lacks the much needed patience and tolerance with each other. I am sure each of you may have heard or read a different one. One more hypothesis doesn't hurt.

When it comes to finding a spouse, in addition to what we think is the ideal person, there is that which we tell to ourselves. Reasons to marry one over another range from  physical beauty to financial muscles to intimacy prowess to companionship to many more. Many of us forget that getting a full package takes time and patience. We tell ourselves I can make money all I need is a man who loves me and is a good companion. We say I want a beautiful wife, I can hire a cook. We say I want a spiritual spouse that way chances of cheating are minimal. I want a romance prowess. Thoughts attract our reality and the universe gives us what we ask of it. A good number will tell God the key trait the right spouse needs to have.  Unfortunately, lots of us don't stick to our initial goal and change goal post while already in marriage and this is where all hell breaks lose. 

Some will go to their friends and compare their spouse to that of their friends. For others time and circumstances make them desire more than they had asked for. Say finances; you married for money but now children are here you need a present parent or a companion. Money was to be the parent hallo :) remember! You wanted a lady who can cook and take care of the house but now bills are rising and you need your wife to be working. You were to be the full provider,hallo!! What I am saying is when you start finding fault in your spouse, chances are you have changed your goal post. 

It's time to go to the drawing board. Take time to be honest with yourself. Begin to negotiate with the universe that your present need may be found in your spouse.Go back to God and tell Him I asked for a beautiful lady but  Lord I need her to also know how to take care of our family. I asked for money but Lord even this or that seems important. Give me the patience as you work on my spouse's transformation. If you want a full package ask God for it before marriage and have patience as God works on it. Many forget the bargains they made and years in marriage begin to complain. 

Think about it. Could you have said I can make my own money and now desire a spouse who makes their own? Could you have said I want a spiritual spouse and they spend time in church at the expense of family. Lots of these misunderstanding may be because of changing goal posts.