Sunday, 18 September 2016

Roasting Sweet Potatoes

I don't know about you but i had mixed childhood. I spent my school days in the town and my holidays back at the village. Yesterday after mum's ceremony, we were given sweet potatoes and memories of childhood came calling. I remembered my childhood days. I was always in-charge of "gucokereria githeri" ensuring the fire place had firewood to cook githeri.  There would be times i would have some sweet potatoes to roast as the githeri cooked.

To date i still think roasted sweet potatoes is better than boiled sweet potatoes. So anyway the way i ensured it would cook was to cover them with hot ash and some charcoal . I would then go play with Simba (my dog) and come back later when i smelt the sweet potatoes. To me the smell was a sign that they are almost cooked if not totally cooked.  However i would sometimes take too long and forget i had buried a sweet potato only for it to turn into charcoal :(

Which brings me to today's life application. In life we go through situations that may appear too inhumane. Truth is like a sweet potato time comes when we need to bury ourselves under hot ash and cook without interference. During such times we are required to stay under and burn out all impurities till we are ready. However, it is important for us to take considerable time under the hot ash because if we take too long we turn into charcoal.

Stay under getting to learn yourself before you can allow someone into your life. But don't take too long learning yourself. Stay under saving some money. But don't take too long saving and not think of how to use up your saving as the money will lose its value. Take time spoiling yourself and treating yourself but don't over indulge and use up all your money.

Whatever we decide to do lets understand that we should not overdo that which we take up. We need wisdom to know when we are overdoing something. We need wisdom to know when we are persevering too long so as not to destroy ourselves completely. No one can eat a sweet potato that has completely turned into charcoal because it was over roasted.

May God give us the wisdom we need to know when we are ready so as to be useful to serve Him best while here on earth. Just like a farmer harvests sweet potatoes for his use. We were brought to this world to serve God in a certain way. May we not spend time overdoing things that we loose our true value.

May we all have a blessed day.

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