Friday, 29 July 2016

Arrange your drawers

I did my cleaning over the weekend but some of my clothes didn't dry. When I got free time in between the week, I took time to put everything in its right place. Over the week that had passed, I noticed my clothes were over flowing from my drawers and I thought I need to purchase new drawers or dispose off the tops that I have out grown. Yesterday evening ,I decided to arrange and neatly fold my tops. Surprisingly, they all fit in the drawers and the drawers could lock. I know I have done this many times but today is the first time I gave it a practical application.

Our brain is a set of drawers designed to fit compacts of thoughts. It's also meant to be a storage system for all humans. However majority of us are abusing it and unfortunately thoughts can't fit well into the brains. Not because the space isn't enough but because we have filled it with so many disarranged thoughts. It's important for each of us to take time and arrange our thoughts. Once we do this we are able to know what to store deep in the mind for long term use and what to store at the replace or delete segment. The only time we can arrange our thoughts is when we take time and pose for 5 minutes every hr to ask what we have been thinking of.

It seems hard once you start but with practice we become better and get time to focus our minds on the right thoughts. It's said a human processes several billions of thoughts every day. Let's watch and ensure our thoughts are getting us to gain our billions not getting us to lose our billions.

Have a lovely evening.
Be blessed.

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