Thursday, 19 May 2016

Porridge for Breakfast

Monotony has always been boring for me and therefore once in a while I go out of my norm to have something different. It occurred to me that since I moved out of mum's house, I had never made porridge in my house. I decided to try out something new for a change and so bought porridge flour. I had actually ventured into this project early in the year but ended up donating the flour, but determined I bought another packet in the next shopping. Oh well and last Sunday the aroma of porridge was finally in my house. ;)

I must say it had been ages since I made porridge and shockingly I had forgotten. I almost called a friend to ask them how to cook it but decided to mix it up on my own from my memmory. Only when it was half way done did I remember that they normally have instructions on the packet. The porridge tasted really good once it was ready but I had to add lots of water because it was too thick. I had gotten the cups to flour ratio wrong. But one thing for sure the next porridge I am cooking in my house I will be more knowledgeable. And this brings me to the lesson for today.

See friends, life is about not being afraid to fail and taking chances to learn something new. The reason majority of us keep stagnating in one place is because we are too afraid to fail and hence never get the experience we need to increase our skills. I am not the same Waleopard  I was before Sunday. At least I know I won't be taken back to my mother's house to learn how to cook porridge for my family.  :P The only way we will become better is if we are willing to take the chance to learn. Think about it my friend.

Truth is regardless of the outcome, the experience makes us better. Don't be afraid to love because you are afraid to get hurt. Don't be afraid to venture into a business because you are afraid to make losses. The only way you will know if something works for you or not is if you are willing to involve yourself.

Wishing us all a Blessed day

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