Monday, 20 April 2015

The Mango Farmer

I recently discovered farming as a side hussle. The first trial didn't go so well but I was grateful for the lesson. It is a venture I had always wanted to explore and I am glad to have dared take that path. In my farming experience I wanted the fast maturing crops of three months maximum and ventured into melon farming. I got into a partnership where I was to provide capital while my partner provided labor. Capital meant all expenses involving money were on my shoulder. There would be tough times when he would call asking for money to spray pesticides and I would get so mad more so because I didn't understand why spraying was necessary every week. But my partner knew why it was necessary and persisted.

His work at the farm was to tender for the crops. Now that was three months and it felt like a life time. Today I remembered that experience and I wondered what a mango farmer goes through before they can start reaping from the mango trees. See unlike me who went through the struggle for a short period of time and made one harvest, his takes time to grow and tender but gives him a life long harvest. This whole picture gave me a lesson i want to share with you.

See most of us are melon farmers. We want to reap fast and go on our way. We want quick kills, we have lost the will to tender and care and have a life long harvest from that which we tender for. The reason most relationships are not working today is because we rush everything and forget that if we want to be together for a life time we shall need to be patient and watch over the seed till a time it can produce fruits. During the time the seed of our relationship is growing, we shall need to prune the leaves , add manure and once in a while weed out the weeds.

Don't expect to harvest big from the seeds of your relationship if you are not spending time tendering the seeds as they grow. Remember if no pruning is done the extra branches choke up all the nutrients and the tree eventually has no extra nutrients to produce enough fruits. Continued storage of wrong doings by your spouse only sucks out the good in your relationship. Lets take time to weed out bad things in the relationship to ensure we have enough to appreciate around us.

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