Tuesday, 4 September 2018


Let's carefully analyse the currents events that are unfolding in the wake of 16 % VAT on fuel. How bad it is and how good it is all is based on the angle you choose to look at it. From where I sit there is nothing wrong with taxes. Everything however goes skewed when the taxes are looted by individuals in white elephant projects.  I don't mind paying taxes if there are good roads and healthcare , water , food is affordable. If taxes were efficiently used and not lost through corruption I am sure all Kenyans would embrace them. Sadly this hasn't been the case as it has been one scandal after another.

This article isn't about corruption though its about us Kenyans. Do we strive to make things better for ourselves or we make lives difficult for ourselves? I mean the cases of contaminated foods, those that allow them in , how do they guarantee they don't eat them or their family members? It makes no sense to take money and loose it paying medical bills and to a worse scenario losing a life over greed.

Let's asses the news that matatu fares will go up by an additional 20 shillings per passenger per trip. In the case of a minibus assume full tank is 60 litres which on average goes for 3 days to cover a minimum of 5 trips daily. The other assumption is the minibus carries 35 passengers on average per trip at a minimum cost of 50. The reality in the ground is the capacity of a minibus is 50, they go more than 5 trips and there is price fluctuation due to peak and off-peak.For 60 litres cost was  6192 and now 7032 at a cost of 103.2 and 117.2 respectively. This means to continue enjoying the profits Matatu owners were enjoying, they need an additional 840 shillings. Their stand is cost is going up by 20 shillings per passenger per trip. 
Before revenue 35*50*5 = 8750
After Revenue 35*70*5 = 12,250
Difference in amount per day = 3,500
Total amount difference for 60 litres = 3500*3 = 10,500
Total earnings 10,500 – 840 = 9,660
My question is, do all matatu owners relatives have matatus and won't incur the additional cost they are imposing? Are they all private car owners together with their relatives? 

Why is it so hard to look at the bigger picture when deciding to make a kill? Why make a kill and kill yourself in the process?? Are you your country's worst enemy?

Its no wonder you will dump a bottle in the street and complain of blocked drainage. Where are our souls? Have we sold our souls and in all essence lost our morals? When you complain , do you ask yourself the responsibility you played for the situation at hand?

Brace yourself my fellow Kenyans, these are clearly times of every man for himself and God for us all.  Its time to question who the real enemy in our country is. 

Thursday, 24 May 2018


Time and time again I will hear someone out-rightly ask another; how did you get such a position in that company? and before they can explain the person questioning answers the question, you must have Godparent. Well the reality is that there are those who were employed because they saw somebody somewhere. How moral is this?

If you have read the Bible you will see that there are instances where the Israelite's got favors because they knew God. God was their godparent and gave them victory on several occasions. Still focusing on the Israelites and God, God showed them the way but they had to be ready and willing to pursue the way to the end. Those times that they failed to follow the way they faced the consequences. 

So now here comes a work godparent and godchild. The godparent will show the child the way by having them secure employment. But who is a good or bad godparent and godchild. I would say the good and bad reflects when both learn the limits they have to using the relationship. When a godchild decides to use the opportunity to better themselves by performing his task as expected they become an asset. As a godparent to anyone, I would be happy knowing my godchild is proofing he or she was qualified for the position they now hold by delivering. That way I would be proud knowing that whether or not I am in the company my child will thrive in the company.  While as a godchild to anyone, I would be proud to know I have made a mark for myself through my efforts not because those around me know I have a godparent and therefore give me credit where it’s not due.  This in my view is morally good. Just like a business man can mentor a new business person so can a godparent at work. 

The godparent- godchild becomes morally wrong when it is abused. This is when the godchild decides they won’t perform their duties because they know persons in the high ladder. Or when a godparent becomes overly protective of the grandchild and therefore doesn't give them space to make their own mistakes and learn from them. Or when the godparent seems to always bail out the child. What happens to the child when the godparent is no longer there in the company? How long does this child last? 

The same reality is true even in our homes.  Parents perform the role of bringing us into this world and equipping us with the basic skills we need to survive. When a parent becomes overly protective of their child, the child develops a dependence mechanism. Parents need to allow their children to learn from their mistakes and when the children come to them for help, it should be done in a way that it brings a sense of independence to the child. That way even when the parents are no longer near the child, they know how to get themselves off situations and emerge victorious. 

Thursday, 26 April 2018

A sack for the Car Window

On Tuesday on my way to work a car drove past me. The car was of a good make and well maintained except for one issue. The driver's window was covered in a sack. Yes ladies and gentlemen, a gunia(Swahili word for a sack). The first thing that came to my mind was how was he able to see with the side mirror now that his window was all covered? Then I thought couldn't he have used a clear paper, then it hit me - plastic papers were banned. Mind you this was all in traffic. In fact at some point I thought I should take out my phone and take a photo of this man's survival tactic . I however couldn't . Perhaps because the car drove way ahead or because it didn't matter anyway. What I needed was the lesson from the survival tactic demonstrated by the man. And this was it.

See when the owner got to where he parked the car before hitting the road that day, he had an agenda. I don't know the specific agenda he was to perform but I do know he wanted to move from his location. See friends it didn't matter that he didn't have one window. He only thought its cold and rainy and I need to be on the move. I believe he had choices some that would have perhaps meant not going or not using that car because it had a defect. He however chose to not see the defect as a permanent defect but one that can be temporary sorted as he works on eliminating the defect completely. 

I don't know how you will receive this message but for me its clear. Some defects are permanent and deter us from moving forward because we chose to see them as permanent barriers. Or perhaps we worry what will this and this person say. Well then, they will say and perhaps think,  should that affect you as an individual really? Absolutely not, Its not any ones business to control what others think of them. The control an individual has is of thoughts about themselves and stopping oneself of  thinking about what others are thinking because it only drains if not derails them.  Present yourself as you are and know your destination and that will remain your sole focus.

Now that is the lesson for today after close to 2 years away from writing a blog. 
The above isn't the car mentioned