Thursday, 22 January 2015

With two dead rats in his hands; he walked.

I love taking a walk in the morning eyes wide open as I observe what is around me. A morning walk also provides a great opportunity fo me to reflect on things that I want to accomplish during the day. Today wasn't a different day and though I had things up my sleeves I managed to observe my surrounding and learn something for the day.

As I walked this mad man, this is my assumption not medically confirmed, walked passed me. It was only when he was infront of me that I got to clearly see what he was carrying and was wearing. He had a trouser and a short on his knees, normally I would expect the short to fall off but it didn't guess it had been sown together with the trouser somehow. I thought i had seen enough until i saw in his hand he had two dead rats. He held them by the tail and their heads were half way chopped off. Not puking wasn't easy. I knew I had to walk on a different side from him but luckily he changed before i could and I walked briskly for fear that he could throw them at me. All that walked passed him expressed shock in their face; but he walked as if nothing was amiss. To him he was doing the right thing and nothing was abnormal. Only we who felt its out of the norm got disgusted. And there was my lesson for the day.

See friends, not everything we choose to do will be applauded by people. If anything they will think we are mad for taking the steps or the path we choose in life. But does it mean really that they are right and we are wrong? The answer is NO!! There will be a time in our life when we will need to walk like mad people and follow our own path. I am sure the "Mad" man i saw earlier carrying the rats had his own reason and it felt right. Lets learn to follow what we feel is right and not what people around us think is normal. Who knows they may be the mad people after all. And again just like we walked passed the mad man , so shall those that think we are mad for your actions.

Lets always remember the only constant person we have our whole life is our own self. Don't focus on pleasing others because you have no control of others just your own self.

Happy Thursday.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Trim the grass and clear it from the field

I love nature guess it has bits to do with having one of my role model as Wangari Maathai. She was an icon of the environment. While she did so much to protect it, I take time to appreciate the calmness that nature brings. My work place provides a very good atmosphere to be around nature. There is this one place I like to frequent over lunch time and will take time to say my prayers there too. Today was no different.

For the past days I have been there, the grass had grown and well it may not have interfered with my love for nature but it wasn't as beautiful as it was today. When i went to visit the peace path I found the grass had been neatly trimmed and cleared from the place. Looking at it, I felt so happy being in a well manicured garden. The gardener had even cleared the grass he had cut , so it was just awesome to look at and with that i had my lesson for the day.

See friends, we have each been blessed with beautiful things whose presence we enjoy. The beautiful things around us need care if they are going to continue being beautiful. We can take time to trim the grass but if we trim and leave it there, it won't be a pleasant scenery. This is true in all areas of our lives, socially, emotionally, professionally or spiritually or financially. If we keep leaving the waste after removing it in the areas of our life the beauty in them won't be enhanced or visible.

What i am saying to us all today is that when you don't like something in any area of your life remove it completely. Don't trim and dump it next to you as it will make those areas unpleasant. If for example there is a misunderstanding between you and your spouse talk it out and clear it off. And once its out don't keep record and remind your spouse each time (women have this weakness). If its you that has failed in one way or the other in accomplishing a task, learn from it and move on. Don't keep dwelling on your failure, forgive yourself and get on with life. By so doing the beauty around the areas in your life will be constant. Its keeping rubbish in our life that makes it ugly.

Hope it made sense to you that managed to read the whole piece.

God blessings to you all

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Dust Off Before a New Start

Today morning I arrived at work ready for the first day at work in the year 2015. I was the first to get into the office and most cleaning had not been done. Well its actually done when we are in the office. So anyway when I opened the door the office was stuffy and it was only after opening the windows that it aired up.

I love hot water and will always boil and keep in the flask to drink as the day proceeds. We had safely stored the utensils in the cabinet as the the office was being fumigated. This therefore meant before using the utensils I had to thoroughly wash them. My desk was no different, not being used for about two weeks meant dust had accumulated with no one to wipe it. It was after all the surrounding was clean that I finally was able to sit on my desk. And this was my lesson for the day.

See we all want to make a brand new start. Many times we have set out to make new year resolutions at the beginning of the year. But see friends we need to clear out dirts we had accumulated before we can be ready for a great start. If we don't dust off we shall get dirty even before we start. My prayer for us this day is that we know what we need to clean out as we make a brand new start. That which we have planned to quit lets seek to understand what drives us to it so that we can dust it off. That which we plan to start I pray that we are able to dust ourselves off baggage that may hinder us from starting.
I pray I am able to continue writing this year and sharing with you all the daily lessons that I am able to decipher from my everyday activities and experiences..

God Bless us all.